Get To Know The Hosts And Play A Game!

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Hey everyone! So I thought that since it's going to be a long boring wait until the results of the awards are out, we'll have a little game! Courtesy of your second better host ;)

The first person to guess the correct answer for any of these questions will get a follow from our new original accounts! If you guess any of your hostesses questions right then she will follow you! If you guess me, your sexy hosts questions right then I will follow you! ;)

So here are the questions:

(Make sure you say if the guess is for the host or hostess!)

1. What is your host or hostesses favorite color? (COMPLETED)

2. What is the first letter of your host or hostesses name? (COMPLETED)

3. What is your host or hostesses favorite food? (COMPLETED)

4. What is your host or hostesses favorite T.V Show? (COMPLETED)

5. How tall is your host or hostess? (The hostess will really enjoy this one! ;) ) (COMPLETED)

6. What is your host or hostesses favorite flavor of ice-cream? (COMPLETED)

7. What is your host or hostesses favorite animal?

8. What is your host or hostesses favorite soda? (COMPLETED)

9. What is your host or hostesses favorite video game? (COMPLETED)

10. What is your host or hostesses favorite holiday?

Bonus: Guess one true thing about us! (Can't be a question above or a question asked in the comments)

You can ask other questions about us below, just make sure you say if it's for me your host or your hostess!


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