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"A report has been filed that a citizen saw one of the males walking to a grocery shop and coming out with a small bag of bread sticks," HaeWon said out loud so the other three could hear clearly. HaeWon smiled widely after she read that. She seemed like she just found critical evidence for an investigation that she was involved in.

"We have them."


"He was walking here and then he left to that building and he stayed there for the rest of the day," the citizen told the four as they had normal clothing on but they had some sort of badge on.

"Are you sure it was him?" Asked ChinHwa, concerned because the building looked haunted.

"Yes, I'm 100% sure it was him."

"Alright, we will give you a call from your home phone when we catch him. If you don't get a call within a week, just ignore us, okay?" Asked EunJung to the man that spotted the male they were looking for.


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