Chapter 11

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Arctic stormed off, leaving Zinnia staring at his back. She watched him leave, just like she had watched so many other people leave.

It seemed like the only people who would ever stay by her side were people desperate to use her.

Trying to restrain herself from running after Arctic - she knew from experience that it would make them comment on how clingy she was - Zinnia instead leaned against the wall casually, taking out her phone as she listened to Arctic's footsteps fade away.

The light overhead reflected on her black screen, showing her her reflection. She stared at it with disgust, unable to fathom how anyone could love a broken mess like her. Even Kimberly...

And speak of the devil. A text from Kimberly.

Hey Zinnia
I texted your parents and asked them to let you sleep over
But the thing is
My house is kinda small
So I can't let you stay after all
And your parents don't wanna let you go back home
So you're basically homeless for a night

Zinnia stared at the phone screen, all thought of Arctic completely forgotten. Rage coursed through her - she knew as well as Kimberly did that her house was huge, with three floors and at least five extra fully furnished rooms, not "kinda small".

Just then, the full extent of the messages hit her. Where was she supposed to go? She had, what, seven dollars on her? Damn. She needed to find a place to stay, and quick. The school locked up at 7 and it was already 6.30. Panic suddenly set in as she stared at her phone helplessly, unable to think rationally. Even in a first world country, who knew how many people were waiting outside to ambush her?

Cursing under her breath, she pocketed her phone as she fought to remain calm. There was no use feeling angry at Kimberly now. Even if Kimberly was a complete asshole who set up this entire scheme as a "harmless prank". Zinnia shoved all her rage aside and ran through the corridors, looking for one of the only people - the only person - who might just believe that she wasn't looking for attention.

She was chasing after the only person who understood her.

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