She Got Away

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I wrap this chain around your porcelain throat, I tell you I love you as I watch you choke. Your tear stained cheeks tell me how you feel, you'll suffocate on this love and I live for this thrill. Beautiful knots around your ankles, I'll caress your thighs and kiss you where you need it most. Milk and honey, my sweet lavender tea, I tease your heart and you yearn to unlock my own; what an arousing sight to see you so eager to please. You're the sun that rises every dawn but I'm the beast that the darkness beckons and calls. My narcissism makes you willing to feed this monster residing in my head but the dying voice of my conscience tells me you'll end up dead. Dead from the lack of my own care, my lack of action when you needed me there. The wolves circle my leviathan within, it hisses and curses as they tear away its rancid flesh. I'd drown in your love but only if and when I decide, I covet you but I won't let you say you're mine. I release you from this cage; my fairy, my deity for what kind of person am I if I continue this game of unfair chase? I would crush you in my hold as I murmur that you're forbidden to go. I'd kill you the only way I know how; slowly and with passion. I'd give my soul to steal your last breath, but the story is always better when the princess escapes certain death.

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