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After leaving the car I waved the driver goodbye walking towards the apartment, I feel my phone vibrate and I open it up, I hear movement behind me quickly look around to see no one there. I notice a chatroom and I quickly click so I can talk to someone

Zen: Mc! Did you get home safe?

Mc: Yes. I'm back safe.

I lie as I slowly walk through the dark streets, I turn around once again feeling uneasy, I quickly turn my attention back to the chat

Yoosung: Control the beast within you???

Mc: I'm blushing

Zen: I'm sorry for embarrassing you. But when the time comes, and we know deeply how we feel about each other and I can take full responsibility of you...

Zen: ⁂Then...♥

I smile at his words and walk faster to the apartment, Once inside I stop in the main hall and turn around to see who was behind me. Zen talks about how he might have been discrimintanting then turns his attention to me.

Zen: ... I still have some things to figure out in my life. I'd like to tell Mc how I truly feel and her mine but

Mc: Zen...

Zen: And when I think I can truly proctect Mc I will do whatever it takes...

Zen: ⁂To make her mine.♥

"You ok there ma'am?" I look towards the desk at a man standing there leaning over the desk "Did you see anyone walk past there or anything?" He shakes his head "Must have been my imagination then" I sigh as I thank him and wave goodbye. I made my way up the stairs and pass a white haired man on the stairs, he passess quickly, I turn thinking his face familiar but then turn back after only knowing one white haired person, with a rat tail. I read as I waited in the elvator Zen become possessive over me, smiling at it finding it cute.

Mc: I like you too, Zen, but I don't want to cause any damage to your career...

Zen: ⁂Look at her being so nice.♥

I get inside and lock the door behind me for once, I slide down the door and continue reading the messages of Zen loving me. I smile at his messages, as he explains how I look to Yoosung

Zen: ⁂Extremely pretty in my eyes.♥

Mc: Blushing...

Zen: ⁂So cute lolol♥

I giggle alittle at his words, I look into my room and watch the curtains fly from the wind. I get one more guest for the party, I go to pull myself up to shut the window but my legs collapse and I fall to the floor. The day was long for me, and I found myself falling asleep on the floor.


I awake from my nap for and let out a moan as I try to stand, my whole body in pain from lying on the hard floor. I finally pull myself up and join a chatroom. It was Zen and Jumin, Jumin had lost his fancy pen and Zen was happy to see me


Jumin Han: I can't help that I was born this way

Mc: Be understanding Zen^^ Just as you were handsome from birth, Jumin doesn't have any choice in that matter.

Zen: ☁Mc, you're so cute to say that lololol☁

I flop onto my bed and hum at the feeling of a nice soft landing, instead of the hard wood floor. I wrap the duvet around me, Zen was finally apologising to Jumin for his feelings towards him.

Jumin Han: Hmm.

Mc: Jumin, Zen is offcially giving you and apology. Why dont you accept it? :)

Jumin Han: I did not expect to receive an apology.

I smile at his responce and how mature Zen was acting towards him "Good job Zen" I mumble as the chat soon turns to Echo Girl, and revenge "I knew she was bad! I called it" I shout as I spring up in my bed

Mc: What do you think she means by revenge? I'm getting nervous...

Jumin Han: I don't know that either.

Zen tried to guess what she means, his best guess by firing him, I shake my head at his answer "That's too simple" I sit on my bed, Zen leaves and I wish him a goodbye and offer to help Jumin with finding his pen. After they all leave the chat I start to think about Echo Girl, I search her up and look at pictures of her "I don't feel so good about this revenge thing" I place my phone down and sigh pulling a pillow close.


I was sat watching TV when Zen's face came up on a popular TV show, I sat up when I saw Echo Girl was sat with the interviewer. Turning it up to listen to it. "It was reported that the musical actor had sexually assalted Echo Girl in his home" She hids her face and fans her tears, I feel my heart break at the words that fall from the producers lips. I looked towards Echo Girl dabbing her eyes with a tissue, I quickly turned of the TV and stormed towards my phone. Noticing a chat room and quickly click on it

Mc: Zen... Are you okay!?

Zen: Mc I'm so glad you're here haha

I notice his 'haha' at the end of every sentence and tense up as I stand in the middle of my living room "Oh, Zen I wish I was there" Seven starts to talking about hacking and an idea pops into my head

Mc: Seven! Can't we find her adress!? I have to go there.

707: Mc, try to calm down 0﹏0

I kick what evers infront of me as tears dance down my cheeks, Zen blames his self which makes it even worse, I fall to the floor and hold my mouth to quiet down my sobbing.

Zen: I regret being so selfish.

Mc: You did nothing wrong... no actor would have turned down an opportunity like that. You know that.

707: 99.9% of musical actors who want to succeed would not have refused that opportunity...

I sit on my floor a mess as I quickly go to open a window and say goodbye to Zen and Seven and break down "Why am I doing this?" I question "I'm not even go through all the pain Zen is" My phone rings and I look towards it "Zen" I moan as I click on the green icon. I cover my mouth to hide the fact I'm crying

Zen: "I don't deserve to talk to you, but I thought I at least had to call you..." my heart melts and my eyebrows furrow as more tears fall from my eyes "Man, I sound so depressed I'm sorry"

Mc: "It's better than pretending you're fine. It's okay." I reasussure trying to hide the shakiness in my voice, I sit on the window sill and let out a sigh as I watch the street below.

Zen: "this is" He sighs "This is really hard, honey. I have no idea how in the world things ended up like this." I sniff alittle and press my lips together, to stop myself from making a noise "I don't know. I don't know anthing now."

Mc: "I would have had a hard time, too. It's not your fault. I just think that you were unlucky." I cry and then cover my mouth hoping Zen didn't notice.

Zen: "I think 'unlucky' is an understatement..." I let out a shakey breath to chill me out and Zen adds "But okay. Ill do that." I realised he notice my breaths and smile at his kindness. "What about you? How are you doing?" I let alittle whimper but hide it behind my hand "You can tell me right now. You've seen the embarrassing sides of me."

Mc: "I don't have anything really troubling me" I lie as my voice breaks slightly, I can't make him worry even more. I hear a sigh on his side of the phone and his voice breaks the silence

Zen: "I guess you're a really stable person" I shake my head wishing he could see me "Goodnight. Sweet dreams." He hangs up and the high pitch tone rings in my eyes.

My eyes fill with tears and I sob at how sad Zen really is "I'm so so sorry Zen" I admit as I rock back and forth on the window sill trying to calm my self down. I couldn't imagine the pain he was going through, and I was crying over it for no reason. I pulled myself up and laid myself in bed. I closed my eyes and cryed myself to sleep.

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