Chapter Thirty Five.

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Ayesha Curry.

"Mommy no leave

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"Mommy no leave." Riley whined, wrapping her tiny arms around my legs.

"She has to do this interview and then she will be coming back." Wardell told her before picking her up.

"Mrs. Curry, you are on now."

I nodded and kissed Riley and Wardell before walking off to get to the stage entrance. I was signaled to walk in and I heard a lot of screams before I gave them all individual hugs and sitting down.

"So you are in headlines a lot lately ?"

"Yeah I am. It's weird to see my face plastered on a magazine or have even the ShadeRoom have me up there. It's still shocking to see it and some of my old friends will send me stuff and be like what's going on? And I can't even tell them because I don't even know."

"So you are a mom and now an author and also a newlywed."

The crowd clapped as I blushed.

"How is it being married to your husband Steph Curry ?"

Some girls whistled and I piped them down.

"Y'all chill out."

The crowd laughed.

"Um it doesn't really feel different. The only thing that is different that we have rings now and Riley's getting bigger now and we are happier." I shrugged.

"How did you two meet ? "

"Actually he's the reason that I was in a wheelchair."

Everyone gasped.

"Before anyone loses their minds just let me explain first. So he was being an idiot and drunk driving, he hit my car and my legs were impaled like instantly. Everyone confirmed that right after that happened, he was right by side. He was crying , calling 911, he stayed with me in the hospital and even when I left the hospital , he wouldn't leave me alone."

"Was it because he felt bad ?"

"I don't know but when I got to my house , he had all my stuff moved downstairs and like he revamped my house so it would be so much easier for me and the longer he hung out with me , I realized he wasn't that bad."

"Then when did Riley come into play ?"

"She just happened. It wasn't like she was planned , just spontaneously happened. But Wardell and I stepped up to the plate and started preparing for her and then she just came into the world."

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