Falling For An Olympian.

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kayyy so before i even start. A/N PAUSE: LOL.

Kay so this is one of 4 fanfics. I am collaberating with 4 other amazing writers on this story! Each one from another boys POV but it has the same title ect.


Well theres is like so AMAZAYN that you must go read it and any other fanfics they have. Like RNS ( Real Niall Shit!)





So go read there story about how Nialler, Boobear, Hazza, and Daddy D fell for Olympians.

Heres mines!



Zayns POV.

I walk into the Massive stadium. "How did you even get tickets for this Sam?" I Gawk.

He shrugs. "I know people who know people who knows this guys cousins sisters bro--" He starts.

"Sam!" I snap, cutting him off. Im not in the mood for his sarcasm. "Really."

"Laceys friend bought 2 and then she got sick, so she gave them to us. Then Lacey got sick and.." He fake smiles. "Tada, here we are."

Laceys Sams wife. Sam is my best friend. "So where do we sit?" I ask, exmaming the tickets.

"Over there! Seats 16 and 17 row.. D."

We push our way through the masses of people that seem to be multipling by the moment. "This better be worth it." I say, pushing the guys who was on my foot. He turns and starts yelling at me in Chinese. I stick my tongue out and walk away. "Sam, are we there yet?"

"Zayn, we haven't even entered the stands." Sam sighs. Pushing someone and cussing them out in french.

This is gonna be a long night.

-----------------------------------------*The Next Day*-------------------------------------

I plop down i my seat. Number 6 row A. Right in front. I look around at all the people, and surprisingly, the place is pretty packed. Who wants to watch Archery? I mean i didn't even know it was an Olympic Sport till Sam gave me the ticket yesterday. The teams enter as there introduced. North Korea, the Olympic chaps for blah blah, USA, China, and Great Britain.

"Lo!" A man yells, sitting in the seat next to me. "Lo!" A girl dressed in blue turns, kisses her hand, and waves.

Wow shes gorgeous. Shes got long black hair, dark brown eyes, and a really pretty smile. Shes... shes kind of perfect. But he didn't seem like her type. He looks more like a bad boy with all his tattoos and beard. 

But i cant really talk, my hair is quite off its self. I smile to myself, so everyone watches Archery because GB has sexy women?

"That's my sister!" The man blurts, turning to me.

I nod. Looking him over. Hes dressed weird. In blue also but hes got a lot more red, and hes got some kind of spandex suit under his sweats. "That's cool."

He must of noticed the odd look on my face because he starts to explain. "Oh, im compeating in the Olympics. Im a gymnist for the USA mens gymnastics team. I just left pracrice and wanted to see my baby sister play in Semi-Finals and i didnt have enough time to change."

"Oh thats really cool!" I smile. "But, why are you on the US team and your sister on the GB?"

"Well, i trained in the US with my mum and step father, Los dad, and since Lo wanted to do Archery, the best teacher for her was here in the UK. So we sent her to live with her aunt in Chershire and she trained here." He says, eyeing his sister.

"Ohh, Im Zayn Malik by the way." I off my hand.

He shakes it. "Louis Smith. Thats Lo. I mean Logan Layva. Shes 19. She is doing this, where her and two team mates try and win gold. And shes doing the individual."

"Alright, Lady's and gentlemen! We are going to kick start with Great Britain and the US. Please set up, and we will begin in 5 minutes." The announcer says.

6 women walk onto the grass, including Logan. She looks up at the stands one more time, smiling and giving a tiny wave. I smile, knowing shes waving at her brother. But when i turn to him i notice, hes not even facing her direction. Was she waving at me? Nooo.. cant be.

"Alright, lets get started." The announcer booms. "We will start with L. Layva of Great Britain."

Logan steps forward, pulling her bow up. She takes a deep breath, then releases it, hitting a perfect 10. She looks up.in the stands again. This time im sure at Louis because he gives him a tiny nod, and he smiles.

"What is all that stuff Logan has on?" I ask. "And on her bow."

"Well, that thing on her arm is to keep the string from giving her rope burn, thing on her fingers keeps her fingers from hurting, and she is supposed to have like a little plastic breast plate to keep the string from aggravating her but she refuses to wear it." He says watching the others shot. "On her bow, those things out front are to help her hold that steady. Its a big bow. She doesn't like it thought, she prefers the 'original bow'." He says, adding air quotes.

I smile and turn back. Logans up again, hitting another 10. She looks at Louis and nods once again.

She repeats that 3 times. Deep breath, 10, look, and nod. That is until she gets a 9.

She looks at Louis, disappointment plastered on her face. "Why does she do that lad?" I ask finally.

"When she hits a 10 she knows she did her best. So she nods as if saying, i got this i believe in me and my training..but when she hits a 9 she gives me a 'im better then this, i will be better!' Look." He explains.

"Match point, its up to the US here. If they hit a 9 or above they move on and Great Britain will be out of the running." The announcer says.

"And what happens when she gets less then an 8?" I ask, on the edge of my seat, not really caring about the answer but hoping The US bombs and gets a 7.

"She doesn't make eye contact. She beats herself up inside when that happens."

BOOM! "The US has hit a 7! Great Britain is going to the Finals!"

I jump up, throwing my fist in the air. "Yes!" I yell. "Go GB!" Then i turn to Louis who's nose deep in his phone. "You happy mate?" I ask, trying to get hit attention.

"Here!" He says grabbing his bag from under the chair. "Take this!" He thrust a laminated card on a London 2012 ribbon at me. "I need to get to my match! It got pushed up." He throws his bag on his shoulder and starts rushing away.


"Once she finishes Finals go down and show them that card! Say you want to see Logan Layva! They'll take you to her!" He yells, almost out of sight. "Tell her i said im so sorry but my matched moved up and i saw her kick Americans butt, and that im so proud! Tell her i love her and will call her tonight! Massive thanks lad!" And then hes gone.

I look onto the grass only to find Logan is gone. And im alone....


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