Competition Day.

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Zayns POV 


"Shit!" I hear someone say loudly.

As an automatic reaction I tighten my grip around Logan waist, ready to defend her with my life. And well, seems like that's not what she wants.

"Zayn let go!" She snaps, print at my arms. "Iv got to go! My first match is in 2 hours and I'm supposed to be at practice in 10 minutes!" She runs into the bathroom. "How could I of let this happen. I mean it's my dream to win gold. I can't ruin this." She babbles on for a couple of moments then walks out of the bathroom, air pulled back in a ponytail. "LOUIS!" she yells.

"IM UP!" Tom yells, snapping his head up. Unfortunately when he did that he cause the girl who was leaning against him to smash her head Into the wall. "I'm sorry love."

I chuckle. But Louis still hadn't moved.

"LOUIS SMITH!" She yells again, still no answer. "Louis if you don't get up RIGHT NOW I'm going to tell them about that thing." Moves, letting out a groan. "Hey you guys whe--"

"IM AWAKE!" He snaps, sitting up. "Bloody hell women. What do you want?"

She smacks his arm. "Don't talk to me like that. And why did you let me sleep here last night. You should of took me home!"

"But you looked so cozy in Zayns arms." He smiles at me. I look at the ground as my cheeks begun to burn. "And y'all were do cute and peaceful I thought you'd be mad if I woke you."

"I have QUALIFICATIONS TODAY LOUIS! This is serious. This don't just another match this is the OLYMPICS." She snaps.

"They why are you still here. It's almost 10 and that's when your practice is right?"

She looks at the clock. "SHIT!" She yells, running beside the chair we'd been asleep in and grabbing her brace, before running to the door.

"WAIT!" I yell, chasing after her.

"Zayn I have to go." She wines.

"But I don't even have your number or a ticket to watch you play today. Will I see you again?" I ask. Well more like plea. I'm really falling for her. I'm really falling for an Olympian.

She shoves her lips against mine. "Louis has an extra ticket." She smiles before turning and running down the hall. "I better see you there love!"

I shut the door, and stand there. Not knowing what to do next.

"I like you." Louis say, patting my on the back. "That's why I'm letting you see my sister."

I drop my eyes as my face heats up once again. "I'm not seeing her!" I snap.

"Yet." Then he walks Into the bathroom.


Logan's POV 


I run into the girls as they leave for practice. "Thank god you didn't leave yet!" I pant. "I forgot my key at Louis."

"Seems like you had a little to much fun last night." Harper pokes.

I roll my eyes and walk past her. "I'm going to rinse off and get dressed. I be 10 minutes at most. Wait for me?"

They nod and walk back into the room. Closing the door.

I Jump in the shower and wash my body and hair as quickly as possible. I grab the towel on the rack, wrap it around me and walk out of the bathroom. "What are you guys looking at?" I ask the girls as the huddle together.

Falling For An Olympian. (Completed]Where stories live. Discover now