Tracy #1

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Flop! I fell onto my bed as I hung up my phone. I was ever so excited for the yacht, because I was going to wear my most fun outfit! A large poofy skirt, with a tank top! Ah, tonight will be the night. The night that my friends and I become the best. Now, how we found out about the yacht ride was kinda simple. Basically, one day while we were shopping with our brightest smiles, a man with a dark mask walked up to us. He said his name was Stitches, and gave us an invite. It was to this exact yacht party, and me being me, accepted the invite. It's not that I didn't think it was strange or unusual, I just thought to be kind. I mean, he was rocking that mask! But anyway, as I went searching through my closet for my poofy skirt, I realized I couldn't find it anywhere. It was missing! I was so worried that I ended up calling both Melody and Lily! They both said they didn't know where it was, and they had both lost something as well. That's weird...I quickly shook my head avoiding the thought that something bad was probably about to happen. Maybe I could wear something else close to my skirt? And just like that, I was fine again. Luckily, I was able to find another skirt close to the original, but not exactly the same. I quickly put it on, happy that I found something close to the original. Believe me, I was very lucky to find this skirt because my walk in closet was like the jungle. It had heaps of clothes everywhere. It's so hard to get through there, that if that was the last place on earth I could survive, I wouldn't even fit! My friends have the exact same problem, except they have their closets a bit more organized...Especially Lily. She is like the queen of organization and fashion. I don't get why, but that's definitely her strength. - Oh, and also being the oldest. But the way Melody keeps it kinda organized is beyond what I can figure out. Melody is more of the writsey type, but always gets lost in her work. It's ridiculous. Either way, once I was ready to go, I realized I would have some waiting to do, so I quietly exited my room to find my younger sister lying on the couch. perfect.. I quietly creeped over to the couch to suddenly yell..."BOO!!!!!!!!!" My sister screamed! It was priceless. I quickly covered my face because I knew everytime I tried to scare her I would always end up getting slapped in the face.                                                                                                                                "That wasn't funny, Tracy! I could've had a heart attack or something.." I rolled my eyes.                     "Pff....Stop being a big baby," I clapped my hands. "Where's the remote? You know whenever I'm out in this room I get to watch my Tv shows." I gave her my biggest smiles to make her give me the remote. My sister, Emily, groaned.                                                                                                                           "Here...Take it." I grinned like I meant it this time. I happily took the remote and flopped down onto the couch, ready to start watching my favorite show, Crazy Messes! It's a show where people visit homes with parents that treat their kids terribly, and review the crazy messes while bringing the parents to court. It's very interesting, and I love it! I can binge watch it for days, and no one will interrupt. Also, the best part of it is that it has literally forty seasons. It seems to go on forever, - which I love! This episode we will be looking at 5117 Pierce Street in Salt Lake City! The TV blared out the words so fast I almost thought they were kidding. THAT'S MY NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE! I ran towards my front door and opened it. Sure enough, right there, about to enter my neighbor's house was the Crazy Messes! Filming crew. I felt like I was going to faint, and I did.

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