The rowdyruffs

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Bunny's Pov

They shouldn't be that hard to find."Where should we look first?"Ken asked."Let's go to that cake shop they would always go to,"I suggested. "Okay, "everyone agreed."
We looked everywhere in the shop for them and they weren't there."Okay let's split up!"I said.

Me and Poochie-mall
Bell-construction site
Ken-soccer field

We all met each other at the park exhausted and hungry with still no baby!We are so dead meat if we don't find them,"Bell said.Then we heard a woman with red hair say "Look!They're babies in the tree and the branch is breaking! This caught everyone's attention, "They're gonna fall and hit the ground! "I shouted while rubbing my hands through my hair, I would go save but I'm so scared that I can't move!Then I saw three figures swoosh in and grabbed them before the branch broke off completely. Then I realized that they were the rowdyruffboys. Now that they were saved everyone went back to what they were doing.

Brick's Pov

Hey I'm Brick Jojo,the leader of the rowdyruffboys.We were just walking down the street minding our own business when we saw three baby girls in a falling tree in the park.So since we were so loving,kind,caring-"


Brick:"Shut it this is my Pov!"


As I was saying,so loving and caring that we had the heart to go and save them from falling.

Readers:"You had a heart since when?"

You know what they actually kinda look like the powerpuffgirls......naaaaah maybe they're just a fan of them and their parents made them wear a mini version of the powerpuffgirls uniform.I saw two girls somewhere about our age,a boy about 10 and a dog running towards us."Thank you so much,"the one with brown hair said and we handed the babies to them.

Bell's Pov

They're ok!"I'm so glad you guys are ok.."






"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ARE GUYS TRYING TO GIVE US A HEART ATTACK!!!"I shouted and guilt washed over their faces."We're sowwy,"they said in unison with their heads down."Good!Now tell them thank you,"I said and they went over to the boys and said thank you.Oh I almost forgot!"H-Hey umm you guys wouldn't mind babysitting them would you?"I asked nervously.


Ken:"It's just for three weeks,"

Boomer:"I have to admit they kinda look like the powerpuffgirls,"

Bunny:"Well😅They actually are the powerpuffgirls and they were turned into babies and we would really appreciate it if you babysit them please!"


Butch:"Nope sorry find someone else,"

Boomer:"There's is no way we are taking care of those feminine creatures,"

Bunny:"Well that's mean,"

So they won't go with it huh!I smirked and put on a fake sad face."Well sorry we bothered you,we were gonna pay you guys 60bucks each week but guess you guys aren't up for the task,"I said.


Butch and Boomer:"B-But-"
*Brick steps on their feet*

Brick:"Ahem we'd love too,"😑

Butch:"Oh yeah sure,"



Normal Pov

They left the boys with the baby girls and the rowdyruffboys took them to their house...

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