Chapter 6 - Unexpected visit to the Castle

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Disclaimer: This chapter has not been updated so it has grammar errors and a different style of writing. Procced with caution, soldier.

Meanwhile at Bowser's Castle...

"Sir! Our forces are almost ready to attack!"

"Excellent. Not even Mario will be able to survive this attack! Call Morton and Larry. I have a little job for them too." Bowser said with an evil grim.

"Right away, sir!"

Somewhere with Mario and Luigi...

After falling from the sky, Mario and Luigi noticed that they were in the middle of nowhere. They were surrounded by a couple of hills and far away they could see two mountains. There was nothing there until they saw strange figures running to them.

"Mario? Do you see that?" Luigi asked, looking at the approaching shadows.

"They must be part of Bowser's army! Prepare for battle, Luigi!" Both of them put their battle poses and waited for them to get closer before moving.  As the creatures were closer, they started to seem familiar. Neither Koopas or Goombas, these had giant heads. As seconds passed they seemed to be Toads.

"Are you sure that they are a Bowser Army? I think they are Toads." Luigi said.

"Hm... I think you're right. But they have armours and a spear... strange. If they are Toads why would they attack us?" Mario questioned putting his hand on the chin.

When they reached the two brothers, they whispered among them but did not get very close until one spoke.

"A-are you by any change Mario?" One of the armed Toads asked and Mario nodded. "Phew... I'm glad you guys are not Bowser Minions. The city was attacked and Toadswoorth told us to patrol we get attacked again." He said sadly.

"Attacking?! He kidnapped Peach didn't he?" Mario said hopelessly fearing the worse.

"Un-unfortunately, yes. But we are preparing a counterattack! Follow us to the city and we will tell you more." 

Mario and Luigi nodded and followed the Toads. After a small walk through the hills, they started to see a wall and gate. Behind the tall walls was the Peach's Castle and the city around it. The walls prevented from seeing the beauty of the place itself but it seemed well guarded.

 Two Toads with armors and a spear were securing the gate.

"Alright. You two can pass." The guard said and opened the giant gate.

As soon as they entered, there were various houses destroyed and part of the castle is also destroyed. There were also some Toads repairing houses and closing holes made by bullet bills and cannonballs.

"Grr! That Bowser! Always kidnaping Peach and destroying everything in his path! Can't he give me a break? What's with destroying everything!?" The plumber said frustrated about the unfortunate of the citizens and the princess herself.

"Don't worry, Mario. You will defeat as you do always!!" One Toad said trying to cheer Mario up. However, he just looked down thinking.

They went to the castle's entrance and where Toadswoorth was waiting.

(I hope you don't mind this music. Inside the Castle Walls has always one of my favorites but this one fits better in this moment.)

-Master Mario, Master Luigi! I'm glad you two are fine. I'm terribly sorry but I couldn't stop Bowser minions from kidnaping our beloved Princess Peach.- Toadswoorth said a bit upset

-I-It's ok, Toadswoorth! W-We will save her like always! Right, Mario?- Luigi said and Mario didn't answer, looking to the stained glass on the window making Peach's face and body -Are you alright Bro?

-Huh... Ya... I just hope Peach is alright...

-We all hope, Master Mario! I must ask you to save her as you did years ago. We all will try to help along the way.

-Well... I and Luigi already defeated two Bowser Minions... Stopping now will be stupid. What do you say, bro? Are up to another adventure?- Mario said jumping

-Oh Yeah!- Luigi said also jumping and then both did a high five

-Thank you, Master Mario and Master Luigi for your bravery. Now tell me, how many Power Stars have you collected so far?- Toadswoorth said and both Mario and Luigi were surprised

-Say what?! S-Stars?! W-We haven't found any so far... Are we supposed to collect stars?

-We only have this special wing power which a Toad gave after a couple of challenges.- Luigi said giving him the Wing Cap red box. Toadswoorth seemed disappointed at first but when he saw the Legendary Wing Cap he fainted.

-T-Toadswoorth! Are you feeling ok?- Luigi said shaking the old Toad

-S-Sorry for my behavior, Master Luigi. I'm shocked that you have such a relic with you. *Cough* I'm sure that, with that power and the rest of the Power Caps, Bowser as no chance against you and your brother! But to process, you will need to collect Power Stars. Each one will give a certain energy and when you have enough stars, you will be able to open new paths.

-Sounds nice!

-Where can we find those stars, Wordsworth?- Mario said

-They're somehow rare but you can find them by defeating bosses and competing puzzles for example. You must have missed the stars that those bosses gave you. When you find a star, touch it and it will send to the castle. I recommend you to look for the lost stars in the places were you defeated them.

-We need to go search for them! Come on, Luigi!- Mario said running away

-Here we go again... See ya, Toadswoorth!- Luigi said walking to Mario that already left the castle

-Goodbye and good luck, Mario brothers! We're all counting on you!

Words: 888

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