Her again

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We pulled up into the drive to see the Sheriff standing outside the cruiser puffing a cigar. His belly hanging over his pants and gray hair tucked under his hat. I parked across nth drive and got out to see the person trespassing on property.

"Well Sheriff let em out so I can see em."

" Alright J.D."

Tom stood beside me just as curious as I was until the Sheriff forcefully jerked the girl I saw for earlier out of the car.

"Sheriff you have got to be kidding me. You handcuffed that Lil gal," Tommy started laughing.

" Shut up Tommy," I shushed Tommy while approaching the girl. She looked young but definitely not a child. She hung her head low allowing me to only see her curls piled on top her head .

"May I ask why you were trespassing on my property? "

She kept her head down never saying a word. She looked as though she was shaking which couldn't be because of the weather due to it was in the middle of July.uat be on drugs.

" Go on and take her in. I have no patience for someone who won't talk to me and she is shaking as though she's on drugs. yeah I'll press charges."

" J.D..."

" Quiet Tommy."

" Take her Sheriff!"

I turned to walk away when she cried out,"Please no! Please don't send me to jail. I'm not a bad person despite the situation. I just needed to sit for a minute I'm sorry. I didn't mean no harm."

" So you can talk," I turned to face her," and just where were you sitting? I don't see the Sheriff arresting you for sitting? We're you in my house?"

" What," she looked up me with beautiful brown eyes and a dirty tear stained face," No sir I was sitting under you maple tree there at the edge of the yard. "

" You mean you were sitting under that maple and that was all."

She looked down again and I found it to an annoying habit already. I reached out to lift her chin to my direction and she flinched and threw her hands up to protect herself. I realized then she was shaking with fear not because of drugs. I saw faint bruises on her arms and realized she was running because she has been hurt obviously.

" I m not gonna hit you darlin ' I'm not that kinda man I promise. Sheriff get them damn cuffs off that girl. She was sitting under a damn tree looking for salvation not robbing a bank!"

" Look Lance no need to get crazy with me I was just honoring you trespassing signs. Here girl your free to go. Tommy help me get her bags out of the car."

" Thank you. God thank you so much. I do apologize for the intrusion. "

She kept her eyes cast downward looking slightly self conscious of her appearance, " Your welcome. You were no intrusion the sheriff was. What's your name?"

" I'm Aspyn. Aspyn Tyler."

" Where you from Aspyn? "

" I'm from Smyrna Tennessee."

" Well, how did you end up here and where are you heading to? '

"I have no destination in mind I just went as far as the bus would take me and as far as my feet will carry me."

" Dear god woman don't you know jow dangerous that is? You can stay here tonight. Get rest and get fed."

" No I couldn't but thank you for the offer."

" Tommy take her bags to the guest room aside mine. She will be staying here tonight. Sheriff you can go. Follow me Miss Tyler."

" Uh yes sir. "

Ok guys it's short i know. But I'm excited about it! I think this is going to be fine fun to read and to write at least I hope! leave comments! good or bad they are all helpful; )

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