Chapter Five: Confrontations

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Allie and I worked hard during the next few weeks on the Farris case; opening arguments, which had originally been scheduled for the first few days of September, had been pushed back until the beginning of January. By then, I knew Allie secretly hoped, Nicholas would be prepared to get back into the saddle again, and to work with me. I didn't want to push it; in fact, between working on the Farris case, caring for Iana and Liam, and making sure there was enough food in the house for me, Ian, Liam, and I, I had to juggle my relationship with Josh.

Josh had been an excellent person I was dating during the last month; I didn't exactly know what to call him, as we hadn't had the "let's be exclusive" chat yet. I didn't mind—I was content just to be in his company, and he was happy to watch me make dinner, while he sat with Iana. It came as a shock to Ian and me when Iana—who usually took her milk only from me, him, Fiona, Debbie, Trevor, or Rebecca—suddenly began accepting bottles from Josh. It amused me, while Ian sarcastically branded Iana a traitor, but knew it was in her best interests to accept it from him, as he could very well be in her life long-term.

Josh and I were cooking together on the first Saturday of October; well, I was cooking, and Josh was sitting with Iana, keeping her entertained. I was making a casserole for the evening with macaroni and hamburger, a recipe I'd just come up with spur of the moment one day, but Ian, Liam, and Trevor—who was also joining us that night—seemed to like it, so I kept circling it around in our dinners. I was looking forward to Josh meeting Trevor officially; they'd seen each other in passing since the baby shower, but tonight was the night where we would all sit down—after Iana and Liam had gone to bed—like real adults having a double date.

"The firm's Halloween party is going to be off-the-hook this year," I said quietly, seasoning the ground beef as I browned it in a pan. I found I was actually looking forward to this party, and the notion that Ian would babysit made me feel all the more responsible.

"Oh, yeah?" Josh asked.

I nodded, wanting to sound casual about the whole thing, like it didn't matter to me, one way or the other. "Yeah."

"Tell me why you haven't mentioned it before then," he joked.

I laughed. "Well, because, last year, I was very pregnant, and decided to skip it and take Liam around the neighborhood with Ian and Trevor," I replied.

"Very pregnant, huh?"

I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled, the notion of him making jokes pleasing me beyond anything in the world. "Well, enough that I knew that drinking would be ill-advised. And besides, I'd more or less made up my mind to keep Iana by that time—although I temporarily thought against it after I went into the hospital," I said quietly. "But, after Ian in his infinite wisdom told me that he supported me..." I shrugged. "I made the ultimate decision to step up to the plate and be a mother."

"Do they have a theme?" Josh asked, lifting Iana out of her highchair and holding her carefully in his arms, a sight which made me smile. "Or is it just a bunch of people standing around and attempting to make a conversation with bad alcohol?"

"No, they have themes, and pretty decent alcohol, or so I've heard," I replied. "Allie told me when I first started at the firm that they have event planners. Every year, by June, they bring them their ideas for the Halloween and Christmas celebrations. This year, the Halloween party is a 1980's theme—complete with a DJ, and coordinated food and booze. I think they even have a dress code, where you have to do your hair and makeup in accordance with the times. Should be fun..."

"Sounds like fun," Josh replied, setting Iana carefully on his lap, and she let out an ecstatic giggle at being free from the highchair, and began kicking her feet.

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