Chapter Seven: Death in the Family

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In the weeks that followed, Allie informed Nicholas and I that we would formally begin working on the Farris case once again in January, as the back-to-back holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas frequently got in the way of work output. I didn't complain, and instead prepared the things I needed to prepare for Iana's six-month wellness visit, which was due to be held close to the end of November. Daisy Radclyffe was again the one to look Iana over, and I was relieved when she said that Iana was hitting all the correct milestones, and that her babbling was much more coherent than it had been at the four-month appointment.

When I left, carrying Iana through the waiting room on my way to Patsy's Pies, where I was due to meet Fiona before picking up Liam, I was surprised when Josh found us. "Hi," I said, a wave of surprise flowing through me when he leaned down to kiss me. "Wow. Kissing in public—at your place of work. I thought you were old-fashioned, Josh."

Josh grinned. "I'm just full of surprises," he replied, greeting Iana before taking her back and following me outside. "What else do you two ladies have planned for today?"

I smiled over my shoulder, always pleased when he included Iana in statements. "Iana and I are going to Patsy's Pies to see Aunt Fiona, for starters," I replied, unlocking my car automatically and putting Iana into her car seat. "Then, we have to go pick up Uncle Liam from school, stop at the grocery store, and then head home to make dinner." I turned to face Josh then, taking Iana's bag from him and placing it in the well near Iana's feet. "And what about you, Dr. Fairfax? Any fun-filled plans for the next few hours?"

He shrugged. "Just a handful of patients," he replied. "Listen, I know it's early, but I was wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas together."

"Christmas?" I asked, hardly having thought of Thanksgiving, which was eight days away. "I mean, I'll be home with the family..."

Josh nodded. "No, I know. I just think that I should get to know them better. I mean, we're dating on a more serious level now..."

I grinned up at him. "Just because we're sleeping together, it's a more serious level?" I asked him. "I mean, we haven't even had the boyfriend and girlfriend conversation yet, or the exclusive talk..."

Josh smiled. "I know. And we will, soon. I just want to make sure we have an opportunity to do so without interruptions." He hesitated for a moment, lacing his hands in mine, using his thumb to run over my knuckles, which was not altogether unpleasant. "So... Christmas?"

"Well, okay," I said, smiling up at him. "Since you asked so nicely..."

Josh leaned his forehead against mine. "Thank you."

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"Just send me a list of what people like, and I'll make it happen."

"Josh..." I whispered.


"My family is happy when I'm happy," I said simply. "You don't have to go about impressing anyone, really. Besides, they were impressed enough by the baby shower gifts."

"Do you want me to ask Debbie for the list?" he asked.

I sighed. "No. Knowing her, she'd likely just go above and beyond, and I know she has a thing for you, so that's never a good idea," I replied, and Josh laughed. "But I'll get you a list after Thanksgiving, if that will suffice."

Josh nodded, tilting my chin up to kiss me. "It does. Thank you."

I shook my head at him, leaning in and brushing my lips with his. "You're impossible, Josh. I mean, you know that, don't you?"

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