The Blind Banker- C6: The Masked Assailant

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Jennifer's Pov-

My eyes snapped open as I awoke to the sound of loud crashing about in the flat, God knows what was going on out there! I quickly sprung out of bed, threw my short black silk dressing gown on, ran a brush through my hair and took a brief look in the mirror to make sure I at least looked half presentable for the boys.

I creaked open my door and stepped out into the hallway. It was only a few seconds later, before I found myself being slammed backwards into the wall as Sherlock ran past me into the living room, followed by a masked assailant with a sword in his hands!

The assailant began to swing his sword at Sherlock as he dodged from side to side to avoid it. I gasped as I ran forwards to help him but I didn't really know what use I was going to be in physical combat, I mean I'm as weak as people get!

When I got to them the assailant noticed my presence, Sherlock took this opportunity to punch the man, which caused him to lose balance.  Sherlock used the time he had bought to adjust his sleeve and gaze over at me, with a sincerely satisfied grin on his face.

By taking this moment, Sherlock had forgotten about the man, who had now regained his balance, he punched Sherlock in the face, which caused him to stumble backwards. The assailant then took his moment to advance dangerously towards me, I attempted to make a run for it, but not before he had caught hold of my arm. He yanked me back towards him forcefully.

Throughout this time, Sherlock had regained his balance and was clutching the side of his face, it must have been throbbing like mad and been very painful. Once he noticed what was going on, he charged the assailant, pushing him to try to get him to let go of me. I could tell the man was getting angry as he grunted with every push and shove that Sherlock gave him, until he got to the point when he finally burst. He threw me harshly aside to the floor and began to swing the sword at Sherlock once more.

When I fell I managed to whack my head severly on the fireplace, I could feel a warm, sticky liquid substance trickling down the side of my face. Once I had finally caught it's stale, bland scent I realised what it was, my head was bleeding! I began to feel a bit dizzy, so I sat there for a moment and watched the fight. The man had now led Sherlock backwards onto the sofa, as he dodged each of the assailant's attempts to injure him with his sword. Quick thinking came to his mind as he kicked his legs out in front of him and shoved the man backwards at quite a large force. Sherlock then jumped up from the sofa, straightened his suit and ran over to me. 

"Jen ar-" Sherlock began as he looked worryingly at me, as he helped me to my feet the man then lunged for him again, cutting him off from what he was saying.

The assailant forced Sherlock's back down onto the kitchen table as he held his sword down against his neck. Sherlock grimaced as he tried to push the man off him. I decided it was about time I did something useful, as appose to just adding to Sherlock's worry, so I drove straight at them both and helped Sherlock push the man off him. He gazed up at me trying my best to help him, then set his mind straight and put all of his effort into it and lifted the sword away. We inadvertently and accidentally caused the man's sword to make a deep scratch in the table, but I mean I'd rather it was the table as appose to Sherlock's face! 

Sherlock then followed the man back into the living room, he began to swing his sword again trying his best to hit Sherlock. I suddenly had an idea that might've just worked, I ran forward to them.

"Look!" I shouted as I pointed to the corner wall.

Sherlock realised exactly what I was doing and when the man foolishly turned around to look, Sherlock punched him clean in the face and knocked him out. 

"Neat." Sherlock congratulated my genius plan as he looked down at the now passed out intruder on our living room floor.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

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