Chapter 27

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Brooks pov
Shit shit shit. Andy knew. He'd probabaly flip. Omfg.

"Um yeah so what did u wannu talk about me." I asked nervously, hands shaking slightly.

"Oh uhm. I didn't get a chance to speak to you before. All the boys know already" He began, causing my heart to beat even faster.

Wtf all the boys knew!? Omg this was it. My death date was official.

"We agreed that Ellie should come on tour with there's no where else really she can go expect like our parents or something. Maybe Bronnie's or Harvey's actually idk."

I instantly felt myself relax against the sofa and everything was calm. He didn't know.

"So yeah." He looked up at me after writing something on paper, pen in his mouth.

"Yeah I think it would be good for her tbh. She'd get to socialise and meet the roadies ayyye." I did my little hand shake with him and said 'ring ding ding bro'.

We laughed for a bit and then after the convosation was finally over I went back.

I could feels Ellie staring at me as me and Andy walked back into the kitchen.

I shook my head and smiled, signalling nothing was wrong and they didn't know.

But they'd have to know soon. Ugh. This secret was so hard to keep.


"So....are we gonna go studio?" Andy asked us. We all nodded. But Ellie just sat their and stared at the floor awakwrdly.

"Come with?" I mouthed. She shrugged. "Ellie are you coming?" Andy asked as the boys got up off their seats.

She shrugged again and Andy walked over to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her off of the tall spinny chair.

A small giggle escaped her lips as Andy excitedly pulled her towards the front door.

"I CALL SHOTGUN!!!" Rye yelled, running to Blair's van, dodging each of us in the process.

We all laughed and got in the truck. Andy drove, Rye was obviously in the front with him, then I sat in the back next to Ellie, and Mikey was on the other side of us. Jack was in the back seat alone.

"Why do I always end up in the back?" Jack exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. A hint of humour escaped his mouth.

"Cuz we don't like you!" Rye replied, humming something to himself. I laughed at the boys I lived with and turned to face Ellie.

She shot me a small smile and I returned one. Then I held her hand and placed my hoodie on top so no one would notice.

We stayed like that the whole 10 minute ride to the studio, smiling to ourselves. No one but us knew.

For now.


Ellies pov

"Okay erm Blair is already here as he was with ginger earlierrrrr..." rye told us, as we walked into the building and up the stairs.

"Okay we're currently working on 'Not Giving Up..." Blair mumbled to himself.

He shook my hand and hugged the boys before they started.

I listened as the boys sang and watched Blair makes notes.

Every one in a while he'd point out things to the boys and they'd have to record the same line about 100 times. It looked pretty stressful.

I was outside the glass window sitting on the sofa, on my phone, when Brook burst through the door, a hand pulling at his hair.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked him. He looked at me and sighed before sitting next to me.

"I just can't get this one note right. Blair's getting annoyed and so am I cuz I know I can get it. Just....not today." He moaned.

I held his hand and looked up at him. "Brook being a singer must come with so much stress, like don't stress because your stressed because it's fine to stress. Just know that. If it makes sense. And you will get the note right. It can take sooo long for a person to get something perfect it's not always the first few tries. Just breath. Take a break and then try again." I smiled softly.

I didn't like seeing him stressed. He smiled at me and then took a few deep breathes, staring into space, clearly thinking about something.

"Brook you good?" Mikey called from the other side of the glass.

"Oh uh Yeah I think I'll be good." He said quickly and we pulled our hands apart just in case they were looking. They weren't.

I gave him a quick hug whilst everyone was distracted by the computer and then he went back to work.

After a good few hours I started to get bored, but we finally left and Brook had told me he got the note.

"I know singing isn't the easiest, but I've gotta push you boys to be the best you can. I know you can do this right." Blair told them before they all got into the van.

He was going back out with ginger somewhere.

Brooks pov

"Omg Rye GET OFF!!" Jack screamed, running around the van like a little kid.

Rye was chasing him with something.

"RYEEEEW!!" I yelled, following him around the van. "Ryyyeee I thought you loved me!" I screamed.

"I will if you help me get Jack!" He yelled, throwing me a small nerf gun.

"Where did you even get those?" Mikey asked, laughing histerically at us. "Found- the back of ...Blair's-van!" Rye yelled.

When jack turned the corner I shot him in the eye and burst out laughing.

"Omfg Brook you beast!" Rye patted me back and laughed at Jack.

Andy was still talking to Blair.

"Are we gonna go in the van?" Ellie laughed.

"Yes please! IM BEING HARRASSED AND MY EYE HURTS!!" Jack yelled, attempting to open the door to a locked van.

"I didn't acctually mean to get your eye. I'm sorry." I laughed and followed him in the van, looking behind me at Ellie who followed me and sat next to me.

Rye was in the front with Andy again and Mikey was now in the back wit Jack meaning we had more room.

So then me and Ellie sat leaning against the windows, feet on the chair, kneees pulled up and facing each other.

'I love you.', I mouthed to her. 'I love you more.' She mouthed back, holding my hand for a few seconds before letting go when Mikey stuck his head out from behind the seats.

Letting go was something I was always bad at

Omg I am so sorry I haven't posted in ages I've been so busy with work etc and not rlly in the mood for writing this but I am still writing it dw. Also sorry it's really short and kinda boring.

Give me ideas on what to write, anything you wannu see happen. 😉
I want to thank you as well cuz I got 10k reads which I didn't expect on this book and I'm so happy so thankyou so much it means a lot!!! Ly xx

P.s. I just spent £80 on a hoodie and I still have to pay tax which could be loads 😶

I suck.

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