Chapter 46

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Ellie's pov
"Bron you can't just say that!" I laughed, slapping my knees and spinning around like a kid.

I was laughing way too much. "I'm sorry but Chloe and Robyn together declare war. Together they both make me cringe so hard...and they're just so annoying oh my god!!! On their own their both okay." She told me.

We were currently sitting in hall on our lunch break and Bronnie was ranting about people in school.

Mostly Robyn and Chloe. She'd told me about how she didn't like how they acted like kids whenever they were together. They were honestly nice people though.

"Hmm they're nice though." I admitted, watching the two make up some sort of a handshake from across the dinner hall.

Robyn sent me a smile which I returned before Bronnie burst out laughing.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled at Robyn. "A handshake!" Robyn yelled back, laughing along.

We continued to eat our pasta and then two people sat next to us.

It was Charlie and Harvey. "So how's you guys?" Charlie asked. "Good thanks." Bron answered.

I smiled at him then greeted Harvey. "So we got a lesson next together yeh?" Harv nodded.

Lessons with him were funny cuz he never did anything. He was very distracting though which was sometimes a bad thing as I didn't really wannu fail my exams.

After hanging around outside for a bit we went to lessons.

"Ellie. What the fuck this mean?" Harv asked me as he pointed to a question in the text book.

"Oh my god I don't do Pythagoras whatever it's called don't ask me. But I think it's 'SOH' or 'CAH'.....yeah probabaly 'SOH'." I bit the inside of my lip, thinking about where the hypotenuse was on the triangle.

Harv thanked me and wrote about one thing before putting his pen down and leaning back in his seat a little.

"Your not done!" I told him. He had done two questions in total.

"Yes I am." He replied quickly, looking down at his paper proudly.

I shook my head and laughed at him before he took my pen off me and dropped it somewhere by mistake, causing me to have nothing to do my work with.

"Thanks Harv." I said sarcastically and he smirked at me before apologising and telling me that it actually was an accident that he lost it.

I believed him.

We messed around most of the lesson, occasionally me helping him with a question a forced him to attempt.

I missed having lessons like wasn't all as bad as it could of been and I was grateful to be able to even get an education.

The lesson ended soon enough and I hugged Harvey goodbye. In such short time we had gone from a weird and awkward relationship (after he admitted his feelings), to literally him becoming my closest friend.

I still had Bronnie for all my girl talk and any drama. But Harv was the one to always crack me up in lessons...but never let me do work even when I wanted to.

Me and Charlie were getting on Okay and I even gave him a chip the other day at lunch. I was with him first break today and we just sat outside talking about a few things that had happened recently.

Things had changed for the better and I was really happy.

"Heyyy your in a good mood again?" Brook kissed before we sat in the kitchen.

I was smiling at him now. "I'm just happy with how things have turned out." I replied bluntly, kind of deep in thought.

He looked me in the eyes as he sat next to me. "How do you mean?" He asked.

I sighed contently. "Just...I've got the worlds best amazing my friendship group back..and I mean the roadies have been really nice to me." I was happy.

Brook pulled me in for a hug and his warm body wrapped around me.

"I could literally be doing anything right now, and I'd be in a good mood. I'm just grateful and happy for everything I have right now and I don't know what I would've done if I still lived in that old place. Even if things get bad....."

"I'll say...the worlds not perfect but it's not that bad, if we've got each other then that's all we have. I will be your lover and I'll hold your should know I'll be there for you. When the worlds not perfect, when the worlds not kind, if we have each other then we'll both be fine, I will be your lover and I'll hold your hand. You should know I'll be there for you." Brook sang.

My heart ached for this boy....but in a good way...if that makes sense.

His voice was so soothing to listen to, it was lower than Rye's, but not as raspy as Andy's, and it was higher than Mikey's, and softer than Jacks.

"What song is that?" I broke cuddled into his shoulder some more.

"If we have each other by Alec Benjamin. Although I wish it was by me cause that's a peng song." He told me causing me to laugh a little at the way he said 'peng'. I mean that's one way of describing it, not the word I'd use but yeah.

"I love your voice it's amazing." I mumbled.

"Awwwh Thankyou." He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer.

"Keeping it PG I hope." Rye stumbled in, smirking.

We laughed a little and then watched as Rye started to eat something random from the table.

Then Jack and Mikey and Andy came in.

"My mans here." Rye smiled walking over to Andy. We all knew they were together...they just hadn't admitted it yet.

We ended up going in the living room, me sitting with Brook, Andy with Rye and Jack with Mikey as usual.

After a while Brook decided to sneak me out on a late night ice cream date.

"Obviously you'd get bubblegum ice cream." I laughed. He looked at me offended and licked the blue ice cream off of his lips.

I had just chosen vanilla with raspberry sauce and sprinkles.

"Vanilla is too plain. Why would you chose it." He shook his head in disgrace and I finished off my ice cream.

"Thankyou for this." I said as we walked out.

"Nope. It's only an ice cream." He laughed a little and we walked along the beach.

It was a little cold but I guess I had Brook to keep me warm ahah.

"I could stay like forever." I admitted after we'd sat on a rock for about 5 minutes...just looking at the stars.

"She was...19, with a baby on the way..."Brook began causing me to shoot up.

"I'm not having a baby at 19!" I yelled, laughing playfully.

"It's just song lyrics." He laughed, laying my head on his chest and wrapping an arm around me.

"Good." I mumbled.

Another chapter I wrote kinda quick but it's here anyway. Might only have like 1 or 2 chapters left idrk how exactly to end it though so if you have ideas send em in :) x

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