Chapter 9

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Mikey's POV
"What if it happens again?" Brook asked, clearly concerned. Everyone was concerned, especially me, because if it was what I was thinking, I had a clear understanding of it.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it right now. It was probably just a one time thing." Andy lied. I could see through his gritted teeth that he didn't think it was nothing!

Brook looked at me, as if he was thinking the same thing, but turned to Andy and nodded. "Yeh probably nothing." He smiled before giving him a reassuring hug.

"Thanks Brook." He pulled away and smiled at him. Brook could be so comforting at times.

"What do we do now" Rye asked, looking at all of us. "Just forget about it for now. If something happens, then we can think of something." Andy replied.

We all nodded, including Jack who was standing behind me eating ice cream. I smiled at him, before walking out of the living room.

I felt bad for Ellie, because I had a slight suspicion that she was hoping through what I had gone through. And it was horrible. But also, really weird.

I just hoped it was a "one time thing" like Andy had said. I hoped that she was okay.

Andy's POV
"Morning." I said quietly, walking over to her bed. I watched as she rolled over and moaned, still tired obviously.

"Heyy." She finally replied in a sort of, mumble. "How'd you sleep?" I asked. I watched as she rolled her eyes, obviously not wanting me to worry or bring it up.

"Sorry." I added quickly. "No its fine. And I slept good actually. I'm just a lazy shit." She moaned again. I laughed at her, then pulled the bed cover off.

"I'm gonna sleep here until you wake up." I smiled before pulling the cover back over us. She turned to look at me and decided to cuddle me.

This wasn't weird, was it? No. She giggled a little, causing me to laugh, and then I closed my eyes and slept for am hour or so.

Ellie's pov


For some reason, I was in a different kind of mood today. I was thankful that there was no repeat of the other night.

Pulling the covers off me, I noticed Andy had fell asleep on my bed. I'd say it was weird, but it was Andy.

Walking downstairs, I opened up the cupboard and tried looking for the Krave cereal. I was actually kinda hungry today.

After jumping up like 10000 times to try and reach the box, Andy walked in. "What are you doing?" He laughed at me as my hands were in the air.

"Trying to get the cereal." I laughed. Andy wasn't much taller than me, so I wondered how he usually managed to get cereal.

But I was almost tall enough to reach the cereal, so maybe Andy could reach it. I watched as he called Brook in, not being able to reach the cereal.

"I always ask Jack but byes obviously asleep." He told. Brook strolled in and Andy asked him if he could get the cereal down.

I watched as he stuck in rounds a little in concentration, then stool a few steps back, ran and then jumped up, grabbing the cereal.

He passed it to me, smiling. "Thankyouuu!" I said giving him a small hug. I was such a nob.

Grabbing a bowl, a spoon, and the milk from the fridge. I poured a small bowl of cereal and ate it with Andy and Rye.

They both sat across from me, Andy eating special k, Rye also eating Krave. "We only really buy this cereal because of Rye." Andy laughed. I laughed along. It was really good.


After I'd got dressed and put on a bit of makeup, I got a text. But who'd have my number, apart from the boys?

Picking up my phone, I realised who the text was from. But I was still curious too how he got my number.

Unknown: Hey its Charlie Drew! Do you want to come out and do something?
Ellie: ah okay. Sounds good :)
*Ellie changed 'unknown's name to 'Charlie'*
Charlie: Yeh I need to pick up some stuff from town first, you can come if you like?
Ellie: yeh okay. When should we meet?
Charlie: Is one okay?
Ellie: that's great!
Charlie: Okay I'll pick you up. See you then x
Ellie: See you x

After texting Charlie, still wondering how he had my number, I checked myself out in the mirror and went downstairs to find Andy.

I rushed down the stairs, almost bumping into Mikey and knocking the living daylights out of him.

"Oh sorry!" He apologised. "Its okay. Sorry." I laughed. "Is Andy down there?" I asked him. He nodded and I thanked him.

He wasn't in the kitchen, but he was sitting on the sofa writing something down. "What you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, just thinking of places in the UK I'd like to go to." He smiled, looking at me. I nodded, biting my lip. I was hoping he'd let me out with Charlie, I mean, I already told him yes.

"So um, I was wondering if I go out somewhere with my friend? We were thinking of going to town." I asked him.

He looked at me and thought for a moment before speaking. "Who's this friend?" He asked. "Charlie. He's in my registration class." I told him, smiling a little. I kinda liked Charlie.

"Well, no you can't." He told me bluntly. I looked at him, not sure what to say. I didn't want to sound rude but. "Oh right um. Why not? Are we bust today?" I asked.

He gave me a stern look, then started laughing. "I'm so bad at this." He mumbled. "Because you don't have any money yet. Left me just get some." He said jumping up off his chair and finding his wallet.

After a few seconds, he came back with what looked like 3 £20 notes. £60. I watched as he handed it to me, but I wouldn't take it.

He grabbed my hand, opened it, placed the money in and clenched my fist shut. £60!?

"Andy you can't just give me £60!? You've already done so much for me." I argued, but he wasn't having it.

"Take it. Buy some nice stuff, and make sure to buy food." He smiled. I thanked him and gave him a hug before opening the door.

"Back at 8." He said. I mentally groaned. 8!? "You don't live around here so I don't want you out late." He said before waving to me.

After I'd said goodbye to all the boys, I walked over to Charlie's big black ranger rover.

I knew it was him because he was standing right by it, grinning.

Soooo I finally updated. And sorry this was boring as sht! But yeh thankyouuu for reading anyway!!! Ily <33

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