Chapter 33

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Ellie's pov
"Okay this egg muffin is well peng." Brook took a huge bite and over exaggerated a 'mmmmmm' sound.

I laughed at him and continued to eat my hash browns that the boys and bought for me.

"I'm literally so hungry right now." Andy said in between bites of his food.

We were currently at McDonald's having breakfast, there was barely anyone here.

Today was a kinda busy day for the boys so we left the hotel at 8am.

After every one had finished their breakfast we followed Blair out and walked to his van, Jack almost tripping over the kurb.

"Did you get that on camera?!" Rye laughed, holding his stomache and a pole to gold him up.

I laughed at Jack and he told us to shut up. "I got it on camera." Mikey laughed, looking back at the video.

The boys had started vlogging again, mainly the idea spring because they wanted to vlog tour.

Me and Brook walked around the van to get to the other side and he gave me a quick peck on the lips behind the van.

We laughed and he helped me into the van. The drive to the venue was about 15 minutes, and we all sat in silence too tired to make much conversation, and sad that our Mcdonalds was over.

I could still smell the bacon as it wafted through the air, which only reminded of how bad my breath probabaly smelt. Ew, I needed to brush my teeth again.

I cringed at the thought. "What?" Brook asked. "Nothing. Just need to brush my teeth." I replied. He laughed at me. "Awwwwh."

His smile was adorable. :3 how did I deserve him.

"This venue is pretty big not gonna lie." Andy said excitedly, looking at the chairs which sat in front of stage.

The stage was huge compared to the last venue. "Sick." Rye commented.

"Okay boys we gotta practice show is at 2 today. Four and a bit hours isn't as much as you think." Blair yelled.

The boys gathered backstage and I continued to look around. "Hey you." I jumped at the echoing voice came from behind me in the corridor.

I turned around to see some man with a few bags and what looked like a camera poked trough.

"Hey." I smiled. "I'm Chris. Gonna be filming tonight." He stick a hand out for my to shake, I took my hand in his politely, still a little sceptical.

"Ellie." I replied, awkwardly looking around. "Ohhhh you live with the boys, I'm so stupid. yeah I totally know you, they've said a lot." "Good things of course." He added quickly and I giggled.

"I'd like to hope so."

We stood their a few seconds, then he spoke up. "Oh um yeah I'm meant to be meeting the boys back stage but I've never actually been to this venue so....would you happen to know which way that is?" He asked me, piercing blue eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed slightly. He pulled up the falling bag from his shoulder.

"Ohh yeah sure. Do you need any help with those bags?" I giggled. He shook his head. "I'll be alright Thankyou." "Then follow me."

Making my way through the small corridors, I opened multiple doors until the sound of the boys voices got louder.

They were singing MISSTAKEN. "They're well god aren't they." Chris stated. "They are. Really good." I replied.

"Hey boys." Chris interrupted as I swung the door open.

They all stopped singing and went over to hug Chris. They seemed kinda close.

"Haven't seen you in forever brother." Rye told him, parting to let Andy hug him. "Alright bro."

Andy and Rye went back to singing and the other boys followed them.

They vlogged a bit, had some food, practiced some more and then got their makeup touched up.

After talking to the makeup artist a while, she offered to do me a red hall eyeshadow for free. I took the opportunity and thanked her. It looked gorgeous must admit.

"Boys you need to be on the side wing right now your about to go on." Blair instructed. They all followed some other man to the side of the stage.

I joined them. "Ellie you Alright backstage?" Andy asked. I nodded.

"Yeah Millie's gonna be there anyway." I told him. Millie was the makeup artists who did my eyeshadow. She told me specialised in natural makeup but she did a great job with my eye makeup.

"Good luck." I mouthed to Brook as he straightened her t-shirt. He smiled at me.

"AND IT'S ROADTRIP!!!" The stage man (idk what's its called? Presenter?") called.

They all ran on stage and I high fives Jack before he went on. Those boys were gonna do great.

Standing by the side of the stage I watched the bus perform the first part of their song and then realised if I looked to the side right up against the wall I could see some of the audience.

Then I saw it. Those familiar piercing blue eyes staring straight back at me. No emotion showed. He was cold. Icy. Why. Why was he here?!

My mood had instantly been killed. And to make matters worse he continued to stare at me as some girl kissed him passionately.

And it stung. Obviously I was over him. But all this was unexcepted and just hurt a little.

Running backstage, a rolled down my cheek and I hoped that I wouldn't ruined my eye makeup.

Everything was in slow motion and I felt like I was in one of those movies. All I could think of was to run to the toilet. So I did.

"Ellie?" Millie questioned but I continued to run.

When I got to the toilet I looked at myself in the mirror and splashed my face with water as other than my eyeshadow I had no other makeup on.

Then I sat there and chilled for about 10 minutes until I felt a lot better. I didn't care as much anymore.

But I was kind of rude.
This was a Roadtrip show. There were kids younger than 9 here! Not many, but some. And I really didn't think they wanted to see people kissing.

Why was he here anyway? His girlfriend-I'm guessing, was like 18, I follow her on Instagram.

I shrugged off the thought and then slipped off of the edge of the sink and straightened my black leather skirt, walking back out to backstage.

"You okay?" Millie asked me, smiling. "Yeah. Just had a bit of a shock moment." I replied, still a little overwhelmed.

I was here to support my boys. My brothers. Not to see him getting it all from some......girl, with all her arse and tits on show.


Charlie Drew......

I expected better.

Okay so here's the chapter sorry if it sucks but yeah :))) Do you think Ellie still cares? Should she?
Who do you ship more her and Charlie or her and Brook?

<3 Thankyou for 18.8k!! gonna cry when I get 20k! If I do 😂😭❤️❤️❤️ ly endlessly :)

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