fourty five

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the captain's words sink into us all as we sit in the monday morning briefing. he speaks to us about monthly statistics, crime rates, new government funding, the normal stuff.

"ok. peralta, what's your status on the second street robberies?" holt asks jake. he momentarily smiles before he gets up and goes before the stand. he straightens his tie before he begins to speak.

"well, we've got our perp but we're just having trouble tracking him down. diaz and i have spoken to all his accomplices but even they don't know where he is. we've hit a bump in the road" he admits, slightly hanging his head in shame. my lips purse as i take sympathy on him.

"ok. y/l/n, you've got no open cases. work with peralta and diaz today and see if you can find anything. dismissed!" holt announced, swiftly walking out of the break room. i nod my head, gathering myself before standing up. i turn my body to see jake and amy stood near the door. amy had her hands rested on jake's chest as they spoke to each other.

"you're gonna do great" she reassures him, pressing her lips to his. i feel a pang of jealously in my chest as i see them. i've liked jake for a while now, but i wasted my chance when i had it. i waited too long and then he got with amy.

"quit staring at each other and come on!" rosa shouts at them, grabbing her files and heading out of the room. amy groans, rolling her eyes and quickly pressing her lips to jake's once more before she heads back downstairs. jake lets out a sigh before he looks at me, motioning for me to head out of the room. i nod my head, quickly dashing out with him following behind me.

an hour passed of us trying to work out where jake and rosa's perp was hiding out. jake was currently sat in his desk chair, his body stretched out and his head laid on the back with his hands covering his face. rosa sat there silently scowling, gripping her coffee cup as she stares at the computer screen i'm working on.

"i've got it!" i scream as i crack where this guy is hiding out. in shock at my sudden outburst, rosa spills her coffee all over herself and jake falls out of his chair. i jump out of my seat and grab my nypd jacket.

"come on! or else he's gonna disappear!" i shout at them, clapping my hands as they get into action. jake stumbled across the room to grab his jacket and messed with the zip. i sighed in annoyance, slapping his hand to motion for him to stop and to go. as our skin touched, i felt a surge of electricity shoot up my arm. i shake it off, knowing that it's only me that's feeling it.

the three of us run downstairs and climb into a uc vehicle that i drove. it took us a mere five minutes to reach where i figured this guy was hiding. i climbed out of the car with jake and rosa following me. i saw him disappear down the alley, oblivious to the fact three cops were hot on his tail.

i turn the corner to see his gang there. one of them spotted us, his eyes going wide as he shouts for his crew to run. the guy we wanted was just a little too slow and i caught him. i tried to put him in cuffs but he escaped, his fist connecting with my nose. i curse out loud, holding it for a moment before i go back to trying to fight him. he wrestled against diaz but she was then thrown into another fight by his crew. i wipe my nose with my jacket sleeve and get back to it.

"alright dirtbag" jake said, motioning and urging the criminal to fight him. i bit my lip as i watched him but soon snapped out of it as i had a job to do. without warning or expectation, the criminal punched jake. i gasped in shock, trying to intervene. my fellow detective practically pushed him away, claiming that he was fine. the perp hit jake and few more times and one final punch sent his body falling to the ground. he ran and i panicked.

"follow him!" i scream at rosa, her head nodding as she bolted. my faces scrunches up slightly as i bend down beside jake. he was barely conscious, low and pained groans falling from his mouth.

"i've got him. i'm gonna call for backup, you get peralta back to the station and clean him up" rosa says through my walkie-talkie. i agree with her plan and grab jake's arms.

"come on, big guy" i say, getting him around me before i hoist him up. he yelps in pain and i repeatedly apologise as i walk him to the car. i place him in the passenger side and quickly jog around the vehicle to get into the drivers side. once i'm in, i lean over to the glove box and pull out a cloth. i lightly pinch the bridge of jake's nose and tell him to keep his hand there and to keep the cloth underneath to stop the bleeding.

we drove back and i took jake to the downstairs male bathroom. now, he had gained consciousness and he could walk unassisted. i opened the door with my free hand, as the other was still clutching onto jake just in case. he stood in front of the sink, his body bending over slightly so he could assess his physical damage. i grabbed the first aid box and demanded that he turn around.

"this is gonna hurt" i warned him, putting some alcohol onto a cleansing cloth. he questioned with a quick 'what' before the damp fabric is pressed against his wounds. he hisses in pain, his teeth tightly clenching together.

"i'm sorry" i apologise, dabbing his cuts and removing any bacteria that i could. as i'm doing my job, i couldn't help but see jake staring at me. he intently looked at me whilst i was trying to clean him up. my movements became slower as i looked at him too.

"what?" i ask in curiosity. he shakes his head, smiling as he leans closer to me. i do the same but the two of us pull away quickly as we hear someone coming in.

"jake! oh my god what happened to you?!" amy exclaims in panic as she comes in. my lips press onto a thin line as i nod my head. jake frantically looks for me as his girlfriend fussed over him. i place the cloth and the rubbing alcohol back into the green first aid box.

"it's nothing, some perp just roughed me up. i'm fine" he tells amy, quick to dismiss her. before she could ask any more questions to either of us, someone comes into the bathroom.

"sergeant santiago? there's a situation out here" the officer nervously says, gulping in worry. amy rolls her eyes, giving her boyfriend a quick peck on the busted lips before she goes out once again.

the room sits in awkward silence before jake is the one to speak up.

"i like you" he says, stepping closer to me. i shake my head, closing the box and placing it back on the wall. i grab the handle for the door to walk out however jake stops me, placing his hand on it and pushing it back to.

"i do, i really like you" he tells me. his eyes stare into mine and i know that he's telling the truth.

at this moment, i was torn. i like him too, i've liked him for so long now. however, he's in a committed relationship with a girl i know he adores, it's obvious he does. it's either i kiss him now like i've always wanted to and betray a friend or i walk away from him and leave him in here.

my body leans up to his and my face is inches away from his.

"but i can't have you" i tell him. our eyes gazing before i put my head down once again and walk out of the bathroom. and away from jake.

a/n  sorry, i feel like i haven't written for ages, i've been struggling with ideas.

if you have any kind of request, feel free to comment or to message me.

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