Chapter 9: I Crash My Starship Into Mom's Throne Room.

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    I powered up the Midday Star, and closed my eyes as I used the force to guide me. I flew toward the palace, and was about to drive through one of the windows, when I swerved. I can't go crashing through the palace! Wait. Ya know what? Screw that. Time for a dramatic entrance.

   Taking a deep breath, I circle back around and run the Midday Star through the glass.

   Opening my eyes again, I see the scene from my dream.


   (Obi-wan's POV)

    He wouldn't believe it. COULDN'T believe it. Satine was kneeling beside her throne, and Maul, his old adversary, was in control.   

    "Your noble flaw is a weakness shared by you, and your duchess." Maul growled. He lifted Satine, choking her with the dark side. Obi-wan wanted to run forward, but he was held back by the death watch guards. "You should have chosen the dark side, master Jedi." Maul continued. "Your emotions betray you. Your fear, and yes, your anger. Let your anger deepen your hatred."

   "Don't listen to him, Obi!" Satine struggled for breath. 

   "Quiet!" Maul barked.

    "You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it!" Obi-wan tried to put as much confidence into his words.

   "It is more powerful than you know."

   "And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be. I know where you're from, I've been to your village. The decision to join The Darkside was not yours to make. The nightsisters made it for you."

    "Silence!" Maul yelled. "You think you know me?" He growled. "It was I who languished for years, thinking of nothing but you, nothing but this moment!" He gestured to Satine. His dear Satine. His love. 

    "And now, the perfect tool for my vengeance is in front of us. I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain, Kenobi." He lifted Satine higher.

    Obi-wan was beat down.

    Satine was thrust forward.

    And shattering of windows broke the tension.

     To everyone's surprise, a starship flew through the windows, and landed on the floor. Maul was frozen in surprise. So was Obi-Wan.

   Shalena, the girl who had yelled at him, jumped out of the starship.

   A lightsaber in her hands burning blue.


    (Back to Shalena)

    I jump out of my starship, my lightsaber ignited. I see the red man and Obi-Wan. If I was trying to buy time with a distraction, this was perfect. But my plan only took me this far. "Get her!" Maul shouts.

   Blaster shots come flying at me. I do my best to deflect them, but one got me in the leg anyway. I chop down two DeathWatch soldiers, and cut the blasters of the others in half. Kenobi is shocked, but jumps into action. He takes care of the soldiers while I go for Maul. Levitating him and the yellow man, I threw them against the wall. Cracks form in the once beautiful throne, and I see Maul drop Mother out of the corner of my eye. Mother starts to crawl away, but collapsed into unconsciousness. I see a trickle of blood from her lower back. That just infuriates me more. Maul raises his black lightsaber, and the yellow man goes after Kenobi. 

    Suddenly, other Mandalorian warriors, whom I assume are on Mother's side, come flying on their jetpacks through the hole in the window which I'd caused. Nite Owls! Obi-Wan, my father, ran toward Maul while the new warriors went after the yellow man, who ignites a lightsaber of his own. A double sided red one. Obi-Wan kept fighting, but he needed a lightsaber. Pulling out my vibroblade, I yelled, "Kenobi!" And threw my saber to him. He could do more with it than I ever could.

    Obi-Wan caught it without question, and engaged Maul. We slowly retreated, and I ran to Maul. Obi-Wan was concentrated on fighting him, and I saw the yellow zabarak still fighting the newcomers. Leaping up, I drove my vibroblade into Maul's shoulder. I jumped off his back again, but not before a red flash and a hum flew by my ear. I saw a large chunk of my hair fall to the ground. "That was for Mother!" I yelled, and Maul turned to me.

    I stared at him, and he advanced. Looking over my shoulder, I used the force to help lift up Satine, and pull her slumped form over to my Starship. Maul came toward me and raised his two sabers, and I couldn't Dodge. 

   "Shalena!" Obi-Wan opened his hand, and I summoned my lightsaber. And not a moment to soon. I turned on the saber in time to cover myself. Two sabers came down, but I wasn't strong enough to resist them. I was slowly backed farther, and farther backwards. I was covering my Mother at that point, unable to step any further. In a mere second, he took the black lightsaber and used it to deflect blaster shots. I was on my knees now, and I had nothing else. No more tricks.

    It wasn't until a warrior in Mandalorian armor kicked Maul in the side when I escaped from in the two sabers. I saw the same warrior attack Maul, and Kenobi in my pilot's chair on my starship. Running to my ship, I see that mother is no longer behind me. My father must have brought her in. I jump up and board my ship, and the friendly warriors cover for us. I see Satine strapped into a chair, and Kenobi powered up my starship. He prepare to fly it from the room, and I could see Mandalore burning beneath us through the huge, smoke-stained broken windows. I see the blaster shots and explosions through the chaos, and the other warriors joined us. The same one who had kicked Maul landed in the open door of my ship. She took her helmet off. 

   "Thanks, Aunt Bo." I say.

   "Of course. Not get Satine out of here." She answers, her red hair flashing. "Give this to Kenobi." She handed me a lightsaber, which I lit up with my own, using two sabers to deflect shots. "Go with him and tell him to tell the republic what has happened."

    "But that will lead to an invasion!"

   "Yes, and Maul will die. But we will survive. Us Mandalorians always survive."

    "Survive, Aunt!"

    "Survive, niece." Bo-Katan said as she hit the button to close the door to the starcraft. "Now go!" She jumped off, and flew away on her jetpack.

   I watched as the door closed. Now for the actual escape.

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