Chapter 19: Who Knew The Force Liked Thumb Wrestling?

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     Yoda liked to get up early. Me? Not so much. 

     Ahsoka or Dantra would come for me before breakfast was served, and i would be woken up by Mother, and head out to the roof for morning meditation, where he made me try to sense the light side of the face and bond with it or whatever. 

    He had a really good poker face, though, and he was constantly trying to get me to forgive and get rid of my hatred. Well, that's kinda hard when you grew up without real parents, and once I did find one, was plucked out of my new relatively peaceful life by a sith Lord who tried to impale my mother and Chase us to Shilli.

    Fine. I tried. And then he told me to "do, or do not. There is no try." And I understood. I've been trying to fit in. Trying to accept my new life and adapt. Trying to figure all this out.

    I pressed into my training harder, because I found it boring. And since that logic that makes so much sense. But I really just wanted to get it over with. 

    I'd bumped into several Jedi I knew. Anakin (I still can't look him in the eye after the Coronet), Ahsoka, Shaak Ti, Mace Windu (AKA Baldy), Kit Fisto (AKA Mr. Head Tails), and of course my father. 

    Mother stayed in the room most days, occasionally coming out besides meals. I was worried for her, even though half of me said it was her fault for keeping me a secret. My other half reminded me of how she was simply protecting Obi-Wan and I.

    Sighing, l hold onto the last drops of tingling sensation from the force. It was an energy that I could control and be controlled by. Letting it drain from me, I sense master Yoda's mixed approval. The is like, my hundredth time trying. 

    "Still to much hate, you have in you." He said, grabbing his stick and hobbling over to me. I stayed in a cross legged position on the cushion. He walked around me, and jabbed my spine. "Straight, you must sit." He said. 

    I didn't slump.

    "Your anger, you must release. Give it to the force, you must." He said. 

    I obeyed. 

   The tingly feeling returned, and I held onto it, willing more to come. I closed my eyes, my hands resting on my knees. All my daydreams about punishing Maul melted into the force, and I lost my anger toward my parents. That doesn't mean I wasn't still ticked with Maul. I would still try to kill him if I met him.

     I emptied my mind the best I could, and I just imagined light. A brilliant, blinding light that I could look straight into and not be burned. I was drawn toward it, and the beams of the creamy brightness danced. There was no up or down, right or left. Almost timeless. 

    Then, two enormous figures that looked like clawed fingers tried to snuff the glorious light out. One failed, but the other drew closer. Then another figure came from the light, and turned dark as the first two. And helped the first one extinguish it. Darkness rained, and every now and then the light would try to rekindle itself only to be smashed by the two figures which grew in strength and darkness. I tried to run, but it everything dissolved into the darkness. 

   But a new light came. It worked with an older light to fight the darkness. I cheered for that light. It was of amazing power, fight against the obsidian black. Red flashed across my vision, but the crimson cross was met by an ancient blue bar. Lightsabers. "These are your final steps, Rey. Rise and take them" My Father's voice echoed. Who was Rey?

    "Shalena. Shalena." Yoda's voice pulled me from my trance. "Either sleep, you fell into, or a vision, you had. Share it, shall you?"

    I snapped my eyes open. 

    I proceed with my breathing to slow, and looked over at Greenie. "Is it real? What does it mean?"

    "The future. The past. The present. The Living force. The cosmic force. The dark side. The light side. Connect with all, you can, young one." Yoda said. 

    "I..  I saw light. Bright light." I started. "But two dark figures tried to snuff it out." I told him. "One finger dissolved, and another came out of the light to help the older finger to turn out the light." I said.

    I looked at Yoda's emotionless face. "Troubling, that is." He said. "Tell the council, you must."

    Ugh.... The council. 


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