Chapter 10: I Have Fun Blowing Stuff Up And Scare The Life Out Of Master Kenobi

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   "That's my seat!" I yell, running to the cockpit. Obi-Wan keeps flying, and I glare at him. "Move. That's my spot."

   He continues to pilot, and ignores me. 

   "Would you move so I can pilot?!?" I ask. 

   "I'm busy getting us out of here!" Kenobi responded. "Now which of these is the main thrusters?"

   "Those!" I point to several levers and a joystick.

   "Thanks!" He says, trying to dodge missiles shot from the jetpacks of Darth Watch soldiers. 

    "Would you move?!?" I finally reach over him and push a button that sends more fuel to the engine. 

    "Thanks!" He keeps trying to fly. 

    "Can I have my seat back?" My fingers dance across a data screen, and a red light flashes. "We've been hit in the right wing!" I tell him.

    "I know!" Obi-Wan tells me.

    "If I was piloting, I would have it fixed by now!" I tell him.

    Finally, Obi-Wan surrenders the pilot seat. I grinned as I slide in, and Obi-Wan keeps a hand on the data screens while I maneuver the ship past buildings and explosions.

    "You have a fleet of Mandalorian ships behind you!" Obi-Wan reports.

    "I know!" I push the right thrusters, executing a banking turn to the left.

    "Is this your ship?" He asks.

    "Duh! I'm the pilot!" I tell him. We exit Sundari, and the surrounding white plains glow eerie silver. 

   My ship is hit again, and we hear the engine groan.

   "You are still being chased!" Obi-Wan panicked.

   "I know!" I put all my focus into dodging the flying missiles. I twist and turn, flipping the ship belly up once or twice. "Ok, when I say, hit the green button, then push the red one!" I tell Obi-Wan.


    "Now!" I say.

    Obi-Wan finds the buttons, and obeys me. The ship shoots out two green beams, and I yell, "awww yeah!" As the lasers flash through the Mandalorian ships behind us.

    Yellow explosions illuminate the sky behind us, and I flew up toward space. "You still have two following!" Obi-wan said.

    "Calm down, Kenobi!" I can't use the laser trick again, but...

    I flip a lever, and the Midday Star goes spiraling toward the ground. I put my hands behind my head and lean back in mock carelessness. Waiting until we are a hundred feet until impact, I pull the ship up until I face my enemies. "This is for Mother and Mandalore!" I yell, the blaster on my left wing shooting up. I miss. 

    "You pilot like Anakin," Kenobi grumbles. I snort.

    Ok... Over dramatic and not as epic as I thought.

    Groaning in frustration, I wait for the other ships to start shooting, one flying right toward me on the right, and one flying straight towards us on the left, before I try something. Flying straight up, I see the ships destroy each other with their shots. 

   I skim the Midday Star across the plain, and see a fuel reserve. Shooting it, I blow it up.

   "What was that for?" Obi-wan asked.

   "Celebration! It was fun!" I say, nervously laughing. "Don't tell Mom."

   "Satine... is your mother?" He asks as I fly toward the stars. 

   "Yup!" I answer, popping the 'p'.

   We leave the atmosphere, and I set a course for Shili. A place I know.

   Obi-wan is still shocked, and he finally sits down in the co-pilot's seat. "And you have a lightsaber?" He asks. 

    "Oh yeah, here's yours." I pull out his and my lightsaber, and hand them to him.

    "Who trained you?" He was practically interrogating me!

    "To fight? My foster mother and my older friends." I turn the switch to hyperspace, and watch the swirling blues twist by.

    "With a lightsaber." He made his question more specific.

    "It's just instinct, I guess." I tell him, shrugging.

    "You will tell me your past." He flows his fingers through the air. I feel the tug on my mind, but I blink as the fog tries, and with a bit of concentration, I resist it. 

    "What are you doing? Trying to make me tell you stuff?" I smirk. "That trick won't work, sorry General Kenobi."

   I almost laughed at his face. He was absolutely baffled.

   "How old are you?" He asks.

   "Fourteen. What's it with you and questions?" I stand up.

   "Just curious." He says.

   "I'm gonna go check on Mom." I tell him, glancing back to see him watching me with an utterly confused face, still holding my lightsaber.

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