Chapter 2

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The wrong person will never give you what you want, but they'll make sure they get what they want from you.


Sam, Ariel and Savanna on the side -->

"Ariel I have good news!" I said to my sister.

"What is it?" Ariel asked with an intrigued grin. "You remember Sam Cameron right, the boy I've been crushing on since like the 1st grade." I stirred.

"Yeah? What happened?" Ariel inquired gathering her books into her book bag.

"Welll..." I dragged out. "He just asked me out!!"


"Yes-- Isn't this great?!" I fell back onto Ariel's fluffy bed and placed my warm hands over my face.

"Savanna that's horrible, your fifteen and he's what? Seventeen? Don't you think that's a little to much?" My sister questioned sounding concerned.

I sighed as I sat up in her bed. "Come on Ariel, please don't kill my vibe, at least not right now-- We are dealing with Sam Cameron. The hottest boy in school--"

"But still... He's way too old for you..." Ariel said.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. Ariel was really killing my vibe.

"Why do you always have to tell me what to do? Can't you just let me be?" I shouted at her.

"I'm your older sister I'm just looking out for you!" She shouted back at me.

"Oh my God really Ariel? Can't you just be happy for me this once? This is my moment-- You know what? Fuck you." I said angrily storming out of Ariel's room.

Ariel has never told me she was happy for me. Not once, and it's getting on my nerves now-- I mean your sister just got the boy of her dreams. You should be happy for her! Instead, your telling her reasons she shouldn't date him?

"Wait, Savanna come back!" She shouted after me.

"Leave me alone Ariel-- You fucking hater."

I jogged downstairs and grabbed my bag from the kitchen table. Before leaving the house I told my mom goodbye and went on my way not even bothering to touch my breakfast.

"Vanna wait! I didn't mean to!" I heard Ariel holler as soon as I stepped out of the door.

I didn't stop or wait for her, instead I moved faster just to make sure I didn't have to listen to her explanation.

I pushed open the gate that surrounded our house and began to walk down the sidewalk.

"Vanna!" Ariel shouted hurrying down the porch steps, waving her hands to get my attention. "Vanna!.....Vanna!.....Vanna!"

I growled as I stopped walking and spun myself in her direction. "What!"

"Can we just talk about what I said?" She begged.

"I don't wanna talk." I said while turning my head. I started walking down the sidewalk again to the bus stop, Ariel failing horribly to catch up, when a Champagne Honda Accord pulled up beside me.

The window rolled down revealing Sam wearing a enormous sexy smirk. "Need a ride beautiful?"

I giggled as I opened the car door and got in.

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