Chapter 3

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Breakups aren't always meant for makeups. Sometimes relationships end in order for you to wake up.


Hot looking Same on the side --> He is fine!

As we were driving along I noticed Sam taking quick glances at me.
"What?" I finally ask.

"Nothing it's just...what's wrong? You really look upset." .

"I am and it's Ariel again." I said to him.

"Oh, what did she do this time?" He asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it, can you just drive please."

"Okay babe, your the boss." He smirked revealing the small dimple on the side of his face.

I looked at him and laughed.

Within 15 minutes we were at school.

"Thanks for the ride." I said as I took off my seatbelt.

"No problem beautiful."

My cheeks burned a bright red at his remark as I reached for the door handle.

"--No, no, no I got it." Sam said and rushed to my side of the car.

He opened the car door for me and took me out of the car, holding my hand.

"Your such a gentleman." I said to him with a cheeky grin.

"Anything for my princess." He said to me.

"Oh shut up." I giggled and playfully pushed his arm.


Sam's POV:

At first when I saw Savanna all I wanted to do at first is just fuck the shit out of her, but once I got to know her I realize that I couldn't hurt her, she's innocent, beautiful, and funny.

Although I know she's too young for me, I couldn't stay away from her and that's what I'm mostly afraid of. I remember the first time I saw her. I was in the six grade and she was in the fourth grade.


She was sitting down in front of the school reading a book while everyone else was running around, playing, or they were gushing over her sister Ariel.

While she was reading her book a boy came up to her and snatched her book out of her hands.

"Give it back Tommy!" She yelled.

Tommy replied "No your so nerdy and ugly."

After that comment he made she ran away crying while the other kids laughed at her.

I got so mad I beat the living daylight outta him, from that day I would always protect her.

I'm not gonna lie, Ariel is smoking HOT! She's also outgoing and is the life of a party, but when it came to Savanna... it was just something different about her. She was the quiet and nerdy type, she's more reserved compared to Ariel. I guess you could say I started to like Savanna just because it was more to her than just her looks. I was determined to find out as much as I could so I would always talk to her and eat lunch with her.

Her sister, Ariel, would always tell me to leave Savanna alone. She'd always say something like "She's too good for you." or "Be with someone your own age."

At one point I listened to Ariel and I stopped talking to Savanna. However Savanna was really upset about it. I felt kinda bad but I still didn't talk to her and eventually Savanna gave up and avoided me.

Flashback over

I smiled to myself thinking back to that day. I really made a bad decision listening to Ariel, but thank God I made a move and asked her out before I graduated.

I walked Savanna all the way to biology class and then went to my locker to see Ariel waiting their.

What is she doing there? I thought to myself.

When I approach her she looked at me with an angry glare in her eyes. "What are you thinking going out with my little sister you prick!?" She hollered pushing my shoulder.

"Uh...What's it to you?" I questioned giving her a smug look as I moved her body away from my locker. I the proceeded to put in my locker combination and once it unlocked I flung it open, sand began searching for my English book.

"Are you dumb? That is my fifteen year old little sister for Christ sake Sam! What are you going to do when you go off to collage?"

No matter how much Ariel was pissing me off I managed to stay calm. To be honest it was no point in even arguing or getting upset with Ariel, I wasn't gonna stay away from Savanna. End of story.

"That's none of your business what I'm going to do. Besides the relationship probably won't last anyway." I shrugged.

Sooner or later Savanna's gonna get tired of me or I'm gonna get tired of her, I mean I'm into her like crazy, but it's only so long that I can commit to a relationship, I actually have a strong fear of it. All I can really do at this point is see where trying takes us. If I don't think I'm ready to settle down and commit, I won't. It's as simple as that.

"Ugh your such an idiot at times." She mumbled shaking her head. "But all I'm saying is don't hurt my little sister. She means the world to me, and I just don't want to see her get hurt."

I watched as she turned and walked away from me. When she was out of view I sighed closing my locker and leaning up against it.

Like I said... All I can do is try...


Savanna POV:

I gave Sam a hug goodbye and then walked into the biology room class. I took my seat in the fourth row while everybody else intently watched me, whispering things like "That's her! That's the girl who's dating Sam." or "Ew she's ugly." or "Such a slut."

I guess that's what comes with dating the school's jock, but oh we'll they can be jealous all they want. I wasn't gonna break up with Sam no matter what anyone thought.

All throughout class they wouldn't stop throwing things at me, or whispering stuff about me and it was getting on my nerves.

The last straw was when someone hit me in the back of my head with some random object. When it hit me I let out a startle cry making the teacher snap her head and looked up at me.

I raised me hand and asked her if I could go to the bathroom. She nodded her head yes so I ran out of class almost tripping over my foot causing people to laugh. I tried to fight back the tears of embarrassment as I hurried to the bathroom.

When I reached the bathroom there were girls in there obviously ditching class. I recognized the from the cheerleading team so I rushed into one of the stalls before they could fully see me.

While using the bathroom I heard them talking about me. I didn't care but what got my attention was when they said something about my sister talking to Sam. I began to listen closely.

" I even saw her sister Ariel talking to Sam at his locker today. To me it seems like they were flirting, they were laughing and what not."

My mouth flew open in astonishment. I was so shocked I accidentally farted causing them to stop talking. "Shit!" I muttered under my breath.

"Omg, did you just fart?!" One of the girl's snickered knocking on the stall. All of them began to laugh.

I kept a straight face and didn't say a word. I just walked out of the stall and washed my hands.

"Is that tissue hanging from your ass!"

My eyes widened and then I heard the click of a camera. I snatched the tissue that was hanging from my pants and then ran out of there like there was no tomorrow.

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