Chapter 1: ιт ¢αмє тяυє!

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It Came True!

August 13th, 2018
****Kirsten's P.O.V****

Today is my 21st birthday. It's the year 2018 and it's been 10 years since the first movie came out. I am getting ready to have a movie marathon. I'm going to watch all the Twilight Saga movies, even after I had finished reading the last book earlier this morning and it's nighttime. I got everything ready that includes pretzels, chips, sodas, candy/chocolates, my soft/fluffy pillow and blanket, my iPhone 7+ rose gold, and my soft/fluffy socks. I put in the first movie, Twilight, in and got comfy in my room with my blanket and pillow.

******Somewhere in another dimension******

****Carlisle's P.O.V****

Tonight is another night without Esme, my mate. Oh where are my manners, I'm Carlisle Cullen. I was born in the 1640s London, England. In 1663, my father said it was time that I hunt vampires like him. That night I heard that there was an ancient vampire living in the sewers in London. Then out of no where the vampire came and bit me saying I had potential. It took three days for the burning to finally come to a stop and I woke up. I knew that I was no longer human and I couldn't even bring myself to drink from a human so I went in the forest. That was until I smelt blood and followed it deeper into the woods. When I finally found what I was looking for I saw a deer and drank from it. It was then I realized that 'we' vampires don't need human blood to survive, we can drink animal blood instead. That was the day I was going to name this new lifestyle as a 'vegetarian' vampire.

The door to my study opens, "Carlisle? Alice and Edward both says to come downstairs. They said it important." My son, Jasper, says bring me out of my thoughts. "Alright I'll let's go down."

As I got in the living room I saw Alice all excited about something. "Okay what is it you two?"

"Well you know how Esme left us and left you heartbroken after cheating on you with a newborn vampire?" Says Alice, my daughter. "Yes I felt betrayed by her. I thought she loved me and wanted to be with me for eternity but I was wrong. I thought she and I were mates. But what does that have to do with what you said was important?"

Alice smiles, "Well what if I told you, you will have your chance?" "My chance? My chance at what exactly?" Looking at her questionably. "She means that your mate will be coming here soon. Alice says she had a vision of you two together. As in your true mate." Edward, my other son, says while sitting on the couch.

'My true mate? I don't believe her. This has to be some kind of trick. But then again her visions are never wrong.' I thought. "So who is my mate then?"

"I don't really know. All I saw was the backside of her in your arms dancing to a slow song. The song was 'When You Say Nothing At All by Allison Krauss'." Alice replies.

"Really? Do you know why we're even dancing in the first place?" I started to question her about my mate. "No but I do know that you two will have your first kiss!! Ahhh it's sooo cute." Alice gushes like she has scene a little girl kissing and little boy on the cheek.

'I can't wait until my mate is here!' I started to think at what my mate would look like.

******Back in Kirsten's dimension******

****Kirsten's P.O.V****

It was around 11:45pm when I put in Eclipse. I started the third movie when I suddenly had to go pee because I drank to much soda. I went to the bathroom and did my business, then I sat back down to press play.

Somewhere in the beginning or middle I wanted to finally make my birthday wish. 'I wish I could go to the Twilight world and have I life like that with someone.' I thought though I knew that it would never happen. When it gets to the part of the training for the new born vampires in Eclipse, all I could do was watch Carlisle and dream of being with him and fangirling over him. Still couldn't stop as watched Breaking Dawn part 1 and Breaking Dawn part 2. As the middle of part 2 came I suddenly became to feel sleepy and was thinking 'Oh Carlisle I wish I had someone like you as my mate. If only I could meet you and have to myself!' then I fell asleep or so I thought?

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