Chapter 8: ιѕαвєℓℓα ѕωαи

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Isabella Swan


"I have to go now." I really don't want him to leave. So I did what I had to do to make him stay a little longer. I kissed him again. Which the kiss led to a make out session. We've been kissing for like 30 or 40 minutes when the front porch lights flashed on and off signaling that Charlie was there watching. I sighed and pulled away.

"You better go inside. I'll see you pick you up from the house and from and to school for now on. Okay." Carlisle said.

"Yeah okay. Um I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night." I kissed him.

He kissed me back, "Good night. Sweet dreams my love." And with that he walked to his car, got inside and started it then drove off but not before giving me a smile.

I went inside the house and got bombed by none other than the chief of police. All I told him was that me and Carlisle are now dating. He left it at that and walked into his room. I went into the bathroom to take a shower so that I can take this makeup off. When I was done showering I put on my nightwear.

I opened my window and went into my bed to sleep

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I opened my window and went into my bed to sleep. Dreaming about my new boyfriend.


****Next Month****
****Kirstens' P.O.V****

It's been a whole month since I came here. Two weeks since the talent show and my date with Carlisle. And two weeks since me and Carlisle became a couple. The whole town knows that we are dating. No body says or even looks at us with disguise. I've gotten closer to the Cullen kids. Like Alice, Rosalie, and I all have shopping trips. Me and Rose fix up their cars and mine. I play video games and pranks with Emmett. I listen to music and play the piano with Edward, and last but not least me and Jasper both talk about history. Anything that has war in it and we correct it.

Now with Carlisle, we go have dates, we spend time together and we spend time with the kids as well. You see I'm at their house right now playing Chess with Jasper. And it's my move.

"You won't win you know that right?"

"Push. Yes I will Jay. You're just saying that because you don't want to lose against a girl." I replied while moving my piece to the king and checkmating.

"Ha checkmate. You lose, I win." Jumping up and doing my winning dance. Carlisle came down from his study and when he saw me doing some funny dancing he started to laugh. He came up to me and told me good job while he kissed my forehead.

"So did you finish your paper work."

"Yes I did. I'm just going to go hunt now. I'll be back before you go to Charlies' house."

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