Chapter 2: ѕнє fιиαℓℓу мєєтѕ нιм

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She Finally Meets Him


****Kirsten's P.O.V****

It was around 11:45pm when I put in Eclipse. I started the third movie when I suddenly had to go pee because I drank to much soda. I went to the bathroom and did my business, then I sat back down to press play.

Somewhere in the beginning or middle I wanted to finally make my birthday wish. 'I wish I could go to the Twilight world and have I life like that with someone.' I thought though I knew that it would never happen. When it gets to the part of the training for the new born vampires in Eclipse, all I could do was watch Carlisle and dream of being with him and fangirling over him. Still couldn't stop as watched Breaking Dawn part 1 and Breaking Dawn part 2. As the middle of part 2 came I suddenly became to feel sleepy and was thinking 'Oh Carlisle I wish I had someone like you as my mate. If only I could meet you and have to myself!' then I fell asleep or so I thought?

**********Continue (still Kirsten's P.O.V)**********

I woke up to the sound of birds in the morning. It sounded like the birds were all around me and a felt something lick my face. Opening my eyes I saw a fawn, a baby deer, with its mother. Wait...hold the phone. Am I in a forest, how did I get here? The last thing I remember was that I was in the middle of having a twilight movie marathon then I got sleepy. I then got up and saw a path leading to a cozy home. Waking up to the door, I knocked on it and waited a few seconds for someone to open it.

"Hello I'm Charlie Swan. Who are you and what do you need?" The Charlie Swan asked. "Um... Hi I'm Kirsten and do you know where am I?" Charlie looked confused at why I said that and he had this face that said 'does she not have any memory? Did she have amnesia?' "I...uh I came from Victorville, California. Am I still in California or no?"

Charlie shakes his head no, "Oh well then like I asked where am I?" "Your in Forks, Washington sweetie. I think I should take you to the hospital to get you checked out. Follow me please." And with that we drove to Forks Community Hospital.

****Edwards P.O.V****

I was busy playing my piano when Alice stopped whatever she was doing and had a vision. I looked in her mind and saw.....?

'Haha you can't get me Carlisle. I'm faster then you and every vampire in existence.' The beautiful girl with light brown hair said run through the woods while Carlisle was trying to catch her. Both of them were smiling like they have no care in the world. 'Oh come on darling don't be like that. Just because you're faster doesn't mean that you can...' she giggles at him and said, 'but you know i just want you to chase me. You know like your chasing your meal. Oh wait I am your "meal"!' She said wiggling her her butt and running off still smiling again.

~End of vision~

"Alice what did you see?" Jasper said while trying to calm down his mates' emotion because she was happy yet worried. "Why are you worried darlin'? It can't be that bad can it or is it Carlisle's True mate?"

When Jasper said that Carlisle was suddenly in front of Alice demanding what it was about. "Carlisle stop it not anything that is bad about her. It's something happy. Oh and if I were you, you might want to get to the hospital ASAP. I'm not going to tell you why because it's a surprise. Now go. Shoo shoo go hurry." Alice shooed him away.

"Luckily Esme's not here to hear this or to see this going on. How long did she say she's going to be gone for?" Emmett asks. "Two years. She said it's 'because' her client has a whole land the size of 4 football fields. So it's taking two years to design the layout of it all." Rosalie rolls her eyes.

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