Chapter 3: єѕмє ¢αℓℓѕ αи∂ ωαιт ι нανє ѕ¢нσσℓ!

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Esme Calls And Wait I Have School!


Looking so disgusted at her I said, "Wow can you be anymore slutty. I mean seriously pull up her damn short no body wants to see that A-cup like that even if you use a push-up bra your breast are still small as hell. Like really at least I have breast, which is a 48EE-cup. You look like Cookie Monster trying to make boobies out of cookies." Ha you guys should really see her face, it looks hilarious. 'Hey author-San did you like that comment? Is that why your laughing so hard?' 'Haha....Yeah....I am....hahaha....hey wait a minute don't be braking the 4th wall here.' 'Uh sorry got to go bye'

Charlie and me left laughing and when I looked back at Carlisle he was also laughing as well. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

**********Continue (Esme's P.O.V bet you did not see that coming)**********

Hi there I'm Esmeralda or Esme Cullen. I'm Carlisle Cullen's mate. I was in Germany helping my client with the designs for his land, well at least that's what my family thinks anyways. I'm actually here because I'm having an affair with a vampire that was just turned five months ago. Right now I'm hunting with Leo Spressart, the newborn vampire I'm seeing, when my Phone started to ring.

*On The Phone*

"Oh Carlisle honey. I didn't know you were going to call this soon. You said you're gonna call this weekend. So what have you been doing?" I don't really care what he does as long as he doesn't take girls out or if he finds his true mate.

"I never said I was going to call this weekend. Said it was going to be today. Anyways I called because I wanted to know how the interior designs are going?" Carlisle asked. "Oh they're going great, but by the looks of it it's going to take more than 2 years. Maybe 4 to 5 years."

"Oh okay. Take as long as you need. I trust you Esme." Okay that's weird he telling me to take my time. I should be curious about this but what the heck he said to take my time and I am. "Alright I will take my time. Maybe I'll stay here for 10 years. Bye Carlisle."
*Off of Phone*

"So you're going to stay here for 10 years my love?" Leo said.

"More like I'm staying for the rest of my life here and I'm think of changing my number as well. I love you my mate." I said. "I love you too Esmeralda." Leo said in between kisses. The kisses started out sweet and soft then he depend the kiss passionately and we Well I'll leave that up to your imagination.

****Carlisle's P.O.V****

"Okay everyone family meeting please. Everyone into the living room now." I called all of them into the living room for a family meeting.

One by one they all came in and sat down on the couch except for Rosalie and Jasper.

"Why did you call us dad?" Emmett asked me.

"Well I just got of the Phone with Esme and she said she needs more time than 2 years. She said she needs 10 years at first she said 4 to 5 years but when I said take as long as you need. Said said 10. But I don't care anymore because I have my real mate now." I told all of them what Esme said.

"Well that's fucking great as hell. Now we don't have to worry about Esme coming here to seeing you with your true mate. Speaking of your mate, what does she look like?" I looked at Rosalie when she cursed.

"Rose please no cursing. And well she looks beautiful like an angel. She has light brown hair, the most amazing blue eyes like the ocean, the most breathtaking smile and laugh you could ever see and hear. And don't get me started on her smell." I dreamily said talking about her.

"Wow looks like someone has a crush!" Great now they're all going to tease me.

"Wait what's her name? You never said it and we want to know the name of are mother." Jasper said. "Yeah\Yes." They all agreed. I guess they do want to know.

"Her name's Kirsten. And did you just call her 'mother'?" Looking at all of them with a smile.

"Well duh. Of course I did. We all think of her as our mother." Rose said while be sassy. Everyone again agreed.

I'm glad that they think she's their mother. I bet Jasper can feel how happy I am with his gift. Jasper smiled at me confirming it.

****Kirsten's P.O.V****

As I walked into Charlies' house with him, he said that I can have the attic as my room. So I thanked him and went up there to clean it out and put/buy furniture in. It took 4 hours to finish everything, so now it's 6 o'clock. Going down stairs to see what Charlie wants, I almost fell down the stairs.

"Are you alright. You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Aww he cares. "No I didn't but what do you want me for Charles." Using his full name.

"I talked to the school a little bit ago and I registered you in so now you start school tomorrow." Aww man school really. I just finished school when I turned 16. If you're wondering why 16 it's because I was so smart they let me finish school and college at 16 years old. "Really Charlie. I hate school and I finished all my schooling at the age of 16." I complained to him.

"16? Why 16? And how?" He questioned me.

"That's cause I'm smarter than anyone else is." I replied. Shaking his head yes he said, "Okay but your still going to school. Mostly because of my daughter, Isabella, will be here in a month and I need someone to show her around and be her friend."

Oh my god Bella's going to be here. Crap I forgot about that. I was to caught up on thinking about Carlisle this whole day. "Um okay I'll go and when she gets here I'll be her first friend. Also I might get a boyfriend soon." Knowing that I'll get Carlisle to be my boyfriend. But what I didn't know was that he was already mine.

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