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[amicus certus in re incerta]

Sparks from the campfire floated up into the sky on the summer wind and the sounds of the entire camp's laughter and singing. As usual, the Apollo campers led them in the typical hits of the campfires; this time, it was 'I Am My Own Great-Great-Grandpa', a crowd favorite. Campers, busy singing and laughing and roasting marshmallows on the rising, vibrant fire, couldn't have been happier.

Dale wiped a tear from her eye, catching her breath from laughing so hard. No matter how many times Mark was chosen to sing his verse, it cracked Dale up each time.

Mark, beaming and bowing as the crowd erupted into applause before continuing into the chorus, flopped back down beside Dale. "How'd I do?"

"Terribly, as usual," Dale quipped, still giggling.

"Ah, well, thank you." Mark nodded to her in thanks.

Dale cast her gaze out over the rest of the amphitheater. It was nights like these that made Dale love being a half-blood and helped her forget about the hard path to get here. Seeing everyone so happy beside their friends and siblings—

Well...not everyone.

Dale averted her gaze to the wedge of the amphitheater seats that would otherwise have belonged to the children of Poseidon. However, up until a week ago, no one ever sat there. The children of Hecate, Zeus, and Demeter filled the one seat at the very front row.

Tessa Brennan, the sole daughter of Poseidon and resident of Cabin Three, sat in her rightful place but looked as if she'd taken someone else's. The hood of her sweatshirt was pulled over her dark hair, her hand stuffed into her pockets. Every now and again, she'd shift to get more comfortable, or glance on either side of her at the nearest campers who were torn between enjoying the campfire and watching this girl to see what she'd do next.

"Mark," Dale found her voice after laughing so hard. "You're not particularly fond of this seat, are you?"

Mark furrowed his eyebrows at Dale. Even though Mark should have ben sitting with his siblings of Cabin Fourteen on the other side of the amphitheater, everyone knew that he and Dale were practically glued at the hip, so he often sat with her and her siblings at Cabin Four's wedge.

"Why?" Mark narrowed his eyes at her. "I've got prime s'more-snatching seats here, Carnation."

Dale rolled her eyes, getting to her feet. Mark, out of obligation if not a hint of reluctance, followed suit. As they shuffled their way across the rows of seats, past singing demigods, Dale wondered what it was about Tessa that everyone was so afraid of. They all had freaky powers; why would hers be any different?

At last, they reached Tessa's row, and the other half-bloods sitting in the nearby vicinity scooted as far away as possible. Tessa looked up at the sudden movement, and found herself looking up at Dale and Mark.

"Uh..." Tessa said. "Can I help you with something?"

"Hi!" Dale said brightly. "I'm Dale Alcander, and this—" She turned to snag Mark's attention from where he was trying to steal someone's s'more—"is Mark Akagi."

Tessa blinked at Dale. "Hi."

Dale elbowed Mark, who dropped the s'more with a yelp. "Hi."

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