Chapter Four

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Her words echo in my ears, long after the door closes behind her.

My name is Bridget.

The Officials are always clouded in mysteriousness. Why would she give me part of her identity?

Is this still part of some type of trap? She said that she would be seeing me again. Would that be on my way to the Unknown?

The questions swirl inside me as I gradually fall into a restless sleep.


The entire morning I feel Bridget’s attentive stare on my back. She’s in every single Teaching I have, almost always close.

Knowing that I will most likely be sent to the Unknown fills me with a type of recklessness. I’m going to be taken away, why not go out with excitement? Why should I make the Officials jobs easy?

I may as well try to imprint my memory into everyone’s minds. I just need to decide what to do.

I spend the entire Mid-day Meal thinking up and dismissing various ideas. I could run along tables like Marie, but I want to be different. I want to be even more exciting and daring.

I nibble on my dry crackers, no ideas coming to mind.

The Teaching Bell buzzes and I absentmindedly set my tray down. I shuffle along with the rest of the group, planning to spend the next Teaching brainstorming more ideas.

I almost run into someone standing still in the middle of the hall. The girls paying attention easily sidestep the figure, but I’m so lost in thought that I stumble across their foot.

I mumble an apology, my eyes landing on the black shoes, black pants. An Official.  Five fingers grip my arm.

I freeze in the middle of the hallway. Girls pool around us, their eyes darting quickly elsewhere. Worried, pitying glances land on me before fleeing.

I can’t be taken now. Not before I’ve gotten a good plan. I keep my eyes glued to the floor. Maybe if the Official realizes that it was an accident they’ll let me go. Maybe they’ll give me a good lecture on paying attention to my surroundings for the ‘safety of others’ before releasing me.

I’m yanked sideways by my arm, the Official leading. I continue to keep my view of the steel floor traveling beneath my feet, hoping I don’t run into anyone else.

The Official pulls me into a room on the side of the hall. It has a small table inside and two chairs bolted to the floor.

A door closes behind us, trapping me in this small room with an Official.

I risk a glance at their face and my heart immediately sinks.

Bridget. She’s been watching me with that piercing glare, yesterday and today. Why doesn’t she just take me to the Unknown and get it over with?

Bridget motions for me to take a seat. I decide to obey, hoping to increase my chances of simple survival. I want to be able to go back to the Complex so I can pull some type of stunt before going to the Unknown. I can’t let Bridget take that chance away from me.

Bridget smiles at me, as if I shouldn’t be terrified, “So, Claire, do you remember me?”

I hesitantly nod, “Uh, yeah…last night you told me your name was Bridget…?”

“Exactly, you’re probably really confused right now, right?”

Does she plan on actually explaining herself?

Bridget raises an eyebrow, “I know you’re confused. Here’s the thing, I’m can’t explain it now. I don’t have the time to do it without seeming suspicious. I just want you to know that you aren’t in trouble and stay calm. When the Officials come to get you, don’t fight back. Fighting back only makes things worse.”

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