Chapter 1 ~ 40 Degree Sound

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Close your eyes.

Go on, I won't laugh, I'd be the last person to do so in this world. What colours do you see? The red of your eyelids reversed? The white of the sun outside? Or perhaps the black of nothing?

I always saw the same thing. Not the usual back of the eyelids and such, no, I saw sounds and smells and I saw feelings, all with my own eyes. All sorts of things.

I guess that was the first official sign that I was different.

The day I learned and realised I was different was the day that changed my life around, for the best and ESPECIALLY the worst.

It was 40 degrees.

You know, the typical weather we'd normally get on a hot summer day. A heat wave if you will, was spreading throughout the country and leaving all of its residents to claw at the dry dirt for so much as a sign that rain or clouds would take over for the slightest time. But the sky was a perfect blue, just like the day before, solar energy striking each and every person under the sun with deathly rays as people did all sorts of the things to avoid the heat.

And where was I during this?

In the middle of school. No one seemed to care there though about what I had to say, no one ever cares about what the "crazy Kid who could predict shit" has to say, because you know, I'm supposed to be "crazy".

Yeah I was labelled as THAT character in the story.

And I guess none of them wanted to accept that I was right. Because I was. For the first time in my entire life, I was right. And no one knew what to think of it I suppose.

No rain, none at all not a single drop for 4 months, and then one day the crazy kid is right? They were scared. That, to them, was the only logical reason and reaction to some sort of unnatural phenomenon.

No one went outside when the rain fell.

They believed it was cursed, or strange or unhealthy or abnormal, the teachers stayed inside to watch those who stayed inside and I was the only one who went outside to experience the first sign of water in what felt like forever.

Some didn't believe I had some strange feelings and decided to believe I was just making lucky guesses for once. Those were the only people who I had the slightest shot at becoming friends with.

Unfortunately, it never exactly went according to plan. See my head would always suddenly feel certain things and think certain thoughts that I was almost 100% sure were not my own, but you know, they had to be, how else would such thoughts appear in my mind?

Eventually the number of people who were sceptical in me had become smaller the more I began listening to these mysterious thoughts. The thoughts that told me to play them, to use them as tools to get where I needed to go. The voices in my head scared me sometimes so I refrained from listening, and every time I didn't, something went wrong. I'd manipulate, collect data, observe and then act, making sure that with every move that held precision would benefit me and only me.

Because that's what "It" wanted me to do.

These thoughts were definitely strange, I was diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder and eventually I only had a small group of people I labelled as "friends".

And eventually, I had come to terms with the emotion in my head. "It" had become an entity to me and someone who was like a guide. Except this guide was in my head, and it wasn't a voice but an emotion, an emotion that lay dormant until it wanted me to do something. It would make me feel certain emotions and from those emotions I gathered how something could affect me or was going to.

Later, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder on top of my Multiple Personality Disorder and seemed to be only getting worse according to tests. I hated those tests, and so did It. Because science had become a thing that no longer made sense, and no longer worked. It was just an excuse that It had wanted everyone to believe.

In my mind, It controlled the Universe, the fate, the actions the story of everything and everyone in existence. And the reason I knew It was because I, was a Null. Exactly like the other few Nulls in the world.

Or that was how I described it.

Nulls were the few humans created with the sole purpose of fixing errors, they were supernatural and often linked with communicating with the dead. You see, It hated mistakes, mandala effects were a result of horrible miscalculations and science was just a "logical excuse" to divert other normal human logistics away from the truth.

In fact, after a while, It was just not a suitable name. It was now Universe.

And trust me when I say it, Universe knew exactly, what. To. Do.

I am also well aware that I never introduced myself. So for the sake of knowing because I've found that people just need to know everything, I'll tell you, but I'm only going to tell you once so you better remember it. You forget, your problem, not mine, we clear?

I'm Marcelle, wanted the last name? Too bad, you're not getting it. You also probably haven't met anyone with a similar name before either, huh? It's a strange one, like my strange persona. The name actually is French, and gender neutral apparently according to my parents which by the way, they weren't much help with my social issues in case you were wondering where the fuck they were. Always busy with work apparently which I found to become an overused excuse after about 5 years but anyway, it's done.

I guess it's fitting for the story for my name to mean warring, you know, at conflict with each other, and I guess I'm telling you this because of the irony it holds to this story I'm telling. Because if it wasn't obvious before, this story is about a whole shit load of conflict.

So get comfortable, it's gonna be a while and fortunately for yourself, you don't really have anywhere else to be right now, do you?

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