Chapter 5 ~ Pretty Please Precognition

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I walked up to the bar doors, grasping the iron tightly until my fist turned white, on looking the freedom beyond my reach. "So what's your master plan?" G Slipped past, standing beside me as he watched my facial expression, hoping for a clue as to what we would be doing to break free. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity before pushing against the barrier, propelling myself to the centre of the room, the boy following quickly, somewhat intrigued and eager.

"My master plan?" I had asked quietly, all knowingly smirking at the thought of his face when everything would go exactly how I asked. "I ask nicely."

He was about to laugh. I could tell that he thought my answer was silly and ridiculous and other way to describe absurd. But I held my ground, serenity taking over my facial features as I gave him a side glance to not even dare question my motives.

"You're serious." Hr deadpanned, dumbfounded at my body language.

"Well, unless you have any better ideas?" I offered, giving him the most unamused look ever."

"Well, I thought about studying the guard patterns, clocking out –"

"Their patterns are different every day, that'll take us weeks to figure out and I don't know about you but I don't have that much time here before I get taken to a higher security prison."

"Higher security? You've done shit huh? You one of those hitmen on the internet? You killed people?"

"Idiot." I hissed, rolling my eyes. "Only imbecilic people do that." I gathered my composure, "I've done worse." I could feel the atmosphere intensify as G had stared holes into the back of my head, fearful form the crimes I'd commit. "Now, top acting like a fucking pussy – I'm your alibi in this, I ain't got no reason to do anything to you, are we gonna escape or not?"

"What? Oh, of course."

I nodded, beckoning him to come closer to me. "Here's what's gonna happen, you listening?" I looked up to the unknown, in hopes of Universe following in pursuit, G nodding as if I was talking to him while I knowingly shook my head for the truth. "The police guard that next comes on duty will collapse due to an epileptic seizure." I emphasised on will, making sure that Universe knew what it was doing. "The key will unbuckle and slip into our cell conveniently, then the other police guards will enter, passing out from unknown causes the second they see the police officer, Following that, we will escape quickly, succeeding in running to your brothers place. That's where the car is no?"

G only stared as I spoke, nodding feebly at the certainty I had. "And just how exactly do you expect to be able to guarantee the police officers will pass out and have seizures and drop keys?" I rolled my eyes.

"We ask."

He didn't believe me, I could tell in his face that he thought I had been crazy, doubting whatever the hell he heard me say. I sighed, not wanting to waste any more time than I already had done by explaining the plan. I walked away, to the front of the cell again as I eyed the clock, signalling an hourly change and a rotation of guards on patrol. "Pretty please, can all of my plan fall into place?" I called out loudly, startling the other inmates that occupied the other cells.

I watched smugly as the closest police officer collapsed almost instantaneously, shaking violently with half lidded eyes, rolled back into his head. G had screamed in surprise, releasing the most unmanly scream I had ever heard that rung through the entirety of the building. "I forgot to say," I began, looking up, "The cameras also suddenly deactivate and malfunction." Puffs of smoke rained from corners of the rooms, a look of shock forming on G's face.

"Are you a witch?" He blurted, eyeing the key on the guard's belt that had unclipped itself and slide across the floor, directly into our cell. "The fuck is going on? How the hell did you do that?" I bent down and picked the key up off the floor, the other inmates yelling profanities and confusion as I hastily unlocked the prison. The door was brutally kicked open, echoing a loud bang for the rest of the facility to hear, the two of us walking out casually.

"A magician never reveals her secrets." I replied, grabbing his arm tightly and dragging him along with me, picking up a pace that broke into a run."

"Where are we going? How did you do that? What are you doing?"

"You ask too many questions." I went quiet, concentrating on locating the exit. Once I found the correct sign, we resumed run, bolting to the outside and taking a sharp left. "Listen up." I barked the order, causing him to stiffen. "We are stealing the car at your brother's place, lead the way." He nodded, fearful for what I'd do, taking lead and directing me towards a street to the right, panting the more we ran.

There was no way I'd be able to shake him off of me now, he knew too much and had witnessed too strange of an ordeal. He would spill if I let him loose and killing him would just put more clues on my tracks. Universe wouldn't let me kill him anyway, causing the realisation that Universe had wanted me to meet him in the first place, making me instantly forget about why I had wanted to die in the first place. I was so distracted, it surprisingly worked.

"You confuse me." G began, sighing when he knew I wouldn't answer.

"You're stuck with me." I finally replied, somewhat disgust in my tone.

"Stuck with you?" He asked, relieved I would converse with him.

"You've seen too much." I explained curtly, quickening my pace as we turned a corner.

"I don't even know what I saw." He admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as we continued down an unfamiliar street. My mind questioned the outcome of things if I said anything, we were already stuck together and Universe clearly wanted me with him for some reason.

"My powers." Io finally answered. "I'm no witch but I can communicate with an entity that controls the universe, precognition allowed me to." I paused quickly, making sure he looked me in the eye, "You've seen too much and now you're stuck with me, Universe wanted me to meet you so I trust their judgement. I can't kill you or leave you because you're just a clue to finding me."

He swallowed audibly, nervous for the fact that murdering him was an option I had considered. "Right." He started, "And this entity did all that stuff back there?"

"I'll leave that up to your imagination." I spat tiredly, eyeing the end of the street in view.

"Ok then.." He said, "So you're stuck with me?"

"I'm stuck with you." I repeated.

"Do you have a plan for what we do after we get the car?" I remained silent, processing what I'd say. My head was accumulating with many thoughts, but none of which he needed to be aware of in that moment. I chose to ignore him.

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