Chapter 9 ~ A Colour Compensation is Anger

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Threads of fabricated thoughts are torn, shred, ripped apart by the shear will of this new emotion, growing stronger and stronger like a surging head rush. It burns, oh so terribly it burns, coursing fire within the veins it had become encased within. It yelled, screamed, raged, to be free, to break away from the constraints it was held to.

Marcelle groaned as she blinked back burning tears, unsure as to if it was due to the freezing wind the window provided or the fire that caused destruction within her. She pulled the window up hastily, every movement filled with a ridged force that showed pain, Gerald constantly stealing worried glances as his friend jolted and jerked, as if every surface was searing hot.

"AAAAAGHHHHH" Marcelle's voice was released from her throat, scratchy and raw. "Universe – you're a fucking dick!" G continued to drive the new roads they had forced, going off track to avoid any others, they weren't far from their goals, he knew they'd make it if they persisted, but Marcelle had begun to show signs of cooperation failure, that part was a concern.

Her body threw involuntary fits as she screamed, clearly uncomfortable for the way her limbs protested to the movement. G avoided communication, fearful for what he had witnessed. A possession of some sort, controlled by Universe, he figured, looking up into the air as a hope that it could reveal a prayer.

Of course there was no answer there for him, causing his shaking hands to turn white as he gripped the steering wheel with a force that could break bones. Marcelle gasped for air, chest heaving forward as if she was in dire need for oxygen, eyes wide open as her mouth screamed, G frowned with concern and fear as he tried to distract himself, not entirely sure of what to do. He couldn't stop now, not while on the run, but he also had to help Marcelle.

All at once everything then went silent, Marcelle slumping back into her chair, eyes shut and head lolling to the side with the rhythm of the car, passed out and unanimated.

"Oh fucking- Marcelle? Marcelle? I swear to god Universe if you hurt her-" His threats were cut short by the girl's arms, reaching forward towards the glove compartment, almost as if she were a puppet on strings. Her body stayed limp otherwise as she found what she had been searching for, a notepad and pen, instantly flipping the pages hurriedly, as if time was running out, scribbling words of the sorts with a speed that left G shocked.

A scream jolted through the car, scaring G instantly as Marcelle was almost brought back to life, coughing and spluttering, gripping the dashboard as a dire attempt to regain her control and balance after such traumatic experience. "FUCK!" She burst, heavily breathing as she wiped her forehead from the steady trail of sweat, Her head was pounding heavily, but no longer in as much excruciating pain as before.

"Fuck." She breathed, shaking her head to turn to G, pale and stiff in place.

"A-are...are you ok?" He whispered.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." She answered shortly.

"What- what was that?" The question wasn't supposed to relieve an answer, but somehow it did.

"Possession, Universe possessed me and I was struggling to fight it." Marcelle swallowed thickly, "Usually it's an agreed movement, this time it came with force... and I was too weak to fight it off."

"Will you be ok?" G worriedly asked, hesitantly placing a hand of comfort on the girl's knee, expertly driving with the other.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, bloody painful as fuck though."

"I could imagine." G replied empathetically, "You punched an officer, broke his nose, constantly screamed and threw random fits, something was bound to hurt." There was a pause that G took to consider his next question's wording. "What did Universe want?" Marcelle frowned, that was the one thing she couldn't figure out.

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