AI: The Feds Are Here

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Lucas took a deep breath, glancing at his partner. She opened her mouth, lightly whispering something, but he couldn't hear her due to the blood rushing in his ears.

He didn't need to hear her, though.

He already knew what she would say.

It was in the program.

Lucas nodded, then glanced at the door, then back at her one last time.

Then she mouthed more.


He looked back at the door, he didn't need the countdown. He knew what she would say and when. That way he would know when he was to speak.


Lucas took another breath, each finger on his hand going up and down, one after another, tapping along the gun handle as it did.

God was he terrified.

He was really out of his league here.


Lucas pivoted to completely face the door, pulling his leg up high and kicking the door, doing it as close to his training as possible. The door fell with a bang, probably louder than the bang had been when he had kicked the door.

"FBI! Police!" His current partner, Teresa, shouted out as she entered first. Lucas followed closely behind, checking around the dark apartment room as they took steps in.

Teresa stopped and signaled for him to align himself with her, then whispered over to him.

"You take left..."

Lucas nodded and went towards an entrance on the left, a kitchen door.

The apartment was silent, or, at least he guessed it was. The blood rushing in his head was loud. So maybe he was missing some key clue, some sound that would give away where Lee was.

Lee was dangerous. Lee had killed, so, so many. A dangerous, insane man.

But still, Lucas felt as though he shouldn't be afraid.

But why? He had seen him kill his last two partners.

Now the Feds were here.

Now Teresa was here.

Lucas sighed, walking up to the entrance and pressing his back against the wall.

He felt as though he never liked Teresa.

"Police!" He shouted again, then entered the room, pointing his gun around as he searched.

"Clear!" He heard Teresa shout from the other rooms.

"Cl-" Lucas stopped when he felt a pressure on one side of his gun. He stumbled forward slightly and something tugged at his gun, nearly pulling it away.

"Louis." A voice said from behind him. Lucas felt the hair raise on his neck slightly at the all too familiar voice.

"Barrymore." It spoke again, this time Lucas whipped around to look at him. That's when the man snatched his gun away completely. The man, with his long, bright, blonde recognizable hair. The man with an even brighter smile. The man with the dark, dark eyes.

The man who had already killed so many.

"Tacoma." His smile seemed to grow as he slowly drew the name out, as though he was playing with the thought as it came out. He slowly pointed the gun at Lucas, and of course, Lucas stiffened more.

He was terrible at this.

He had no clue what to do.

He was too inexperienced.

Oh, hell. What other choice did he have? Lee would kill him. He might as well try.


Great, now Teresa was coming. Spectacular.

Lucas glanced at the entrance way, then got a dumb idea.

A ridiculous idea.

God, what the hell was he thinking?

"Hey Tere-"

Lee quickly turned to look at the entrance, swinging an arm towards Lucas in an attempt to grab him.

Lucas smiled. His idea... worked?

He slipped underneath the arm as it came towards him, then ran up behind Lee and wrapped his arms around the other mans neck. Lee squirmed around, leaning forward a little, picking Lucas off the ground as he did. He took the gun and tried to hit Lucas off, like he was trying to scratch his back.


Suddenly, Lucas saw black.

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