AA: Honey You Missed Auburn

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Ruth watched as the actors all fell to the floor.

She quickly rushed out and helped Arby lift Lee off Lucas. The larger AI had fallen on the other one, and Arby was going to need to run an analysis on his client, so she decided she could at least drag her client off.

Arby smiled a little at her, giving her a nod of thanks once they had Lee resting next to Lucas.

Ruth smiled back at him, then sat down next to Lee before looking over at Lucas.

"Do you think it was his systems, or a hole in the program?"

"I... don't know." He paused, then added, in a lower tone. "I hope it's the program."

She knew how he felt.

"The hell is wrong with your client?" A woman walked up, a cigarette tightly pressed between her lips, even as she spoke. "When did he get smart? And where'd he get it from? Sure as hell ain't from you."

Arby smiled softly at her comment, not phased by it. He looked up from Lee to the red headed woman.

Or 'red headed'.

Currently, her hair had gray and blonde roots about an inch long. Her hair was supposed to be 'Auburn Honey Mist', or at least that's what she told Ruth when Ruth commented on the dye job, but it looked more like a copper color.

She raised an eyebrow at him, then pulled the cigarette from his lips. "Well? Gonna sit there and grin?"

Arby continued to smile, but got up and went to get his kit, leaving Ruth with the dysfunctional, fake human, and Lee and Lucas.

The woman stared at Lucas for a while, then snorted. "And that piece of shit has such a fanbase." She dropped the cigarette on the floor, putting it out with her foot, then knelt down to look at Lucas closer. "They love it so much when we give him green eyes too." She looked at Ruth, then sighed. "But no one ever notices when I change my eyes to green."

Ruth smiled awkwardly, wishing Arby would come back.

Instead, someone else walked up from the other side of the set. A gray haired man, his face full of more worry than wrinkles.

"Miss Colbert, Teresa is ready to continue. I checked her tapes and systems and everything's how it should be." He stopped a few feet away from Lee, then looked at the two agents. "So who messed up?"

"Lucas." Ruth muttered, glancing over at her kit, which lay across the room. She felt that she should check Lee, even if he wasn't the one who had messed up his role.

"Miss Fischer, aren't you going to check on Lee?"

Ruth looked at the other two, then shrugged. "What do you think Violet? I mean, he was right on his lines, his estimated reactions, even his biological reactions were right on the dot."

Violet shrugged a shoulder, then dug in her shirt pocket for a spare cigarette. "Do whatever." She muttered, then walked back to her place off set. "Just fix Lucas!"

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