AI: James Bond

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Lucas sat, his back leaning against a wall, watching Arby check through his tablet.

"So... You just decided to do that?"

"I guess...? I mean, I had no other option, you know?"

Arby glanced up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"You know. This movie is pretty terrifying. I mean, you forget it's a movie, and you're facing the bad end of a gun, and you just kind of..."

"You go all Mr. Action-Hero?" Arby said with a lopsided smile.

Lucas smiled a little at that and nodded. "Exactly. I didn't mean to kick Lee's ass."

Arby smiled and rolled his eyes at that, then set his tablet down. "Well, I think you're alright. I don't know what to do about you actually thinking for yourself, since that is part of your programming, but I've put in for a slight change in the script where Teresa doesn't call out. Maybe you won't think to do that, or maybe Lee will wise up."

"Lee? Smart? Never."

"Lee's smarter than you."

"Not in this movie, he isn't."

"Lucas, he kills you. You're supposed to be dead."

"That's harsh."

Arby laughed a little and shook his head again, then scratched at his stubble some.

"I think I have a lead on your next movie."

"Is it any good? Better than this one, I mean?"

Arby shrugged a shoulder. "It's not exactly James Bond, but it is a spy movie. And..."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "And?" He smiled, almost nervously.

"You're the lead actor."

Lucas busted out into a full, toothy grin. "You're joking!"

"No! They wanted a new AI, an up incoming one, preferably one with French programming, and one with a large, young fanbase. You fit the description, along with 100 or so others, so I pulled some strings and... I think you have it."

Lucas let his head rest on the wall, going silent for a while. That was insane. He continued to grin. He'd only been alive for four or so years now, and now he had a leading role. That was like having a leading role in a spy movie at the age of 2 for a human actor. And he hadn't been in much, really.

He looked over at Arby again. What if this movie wasn't a big deal? Why was he so hyper about just another spy movie?

Oh hell, he trusted Arby. The guy was right about everything up until now. He wouldn't do him wrong.

"Well, I'm ready to go. Shoot me already."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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