Chapter Four

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I wake up on Black Friday feeling way too warm. I open my eyes and realize the warmth is coming from Misha's arm slung around my waist. I wiggle out of his embrace and quietly walk to the kitchen and start up a pot of coffee. While the brew is percolating, I lean forward with my elbows on the countertop, and rest my chin in my hands. Closing my eyes, I relive last night.

After Misha kissed me, my body decided to finally obey my previous demands to step back, much to my disappointment. I couldn't think of anything to say; my silence must have confused Misha, because he stepped back as well. The space between us filled with tension, and the only word I could come up with was, "Sorry." We walked back to Cassidy and Bro's house in silence, the tension between us thickening with every step. When we arrived, Misha dug in his pocket for his keys, and I just stood there, like a silent idiot. Before he was able to slide into his car, I rushed over to him and grabbed the open door. We stood there quietly for a moment, and he raised his eyebrows at me. My tongue felt useless, unable to deliver a reasonable excuse for my response to his kiss. He sighed and shook his head, leaning down to enter the vehicle.

"Misha..." I faltered. He paused and looked into my eyes, encouraging me to continue. "Do you want to, I don't know... stay with me tonight?"

He glanced down to the keys in his hand, then returned them to his pocket. He shut the car door, and wordlessly we returned to the house. The party had died down considerably by this time, and I led Misha to the guest room where I stay occasionally. As I pulled back the blankets and climbed into the bed, he stood against the wall, watching me. I sighed and folded my hands over my lap.

"If you want to leave, that's fine. I just thought..." I trailed off. Misha quietly walked toward me, removing his shirt on the way. God, that was so distracting. He laid down next to me, and I turned off the bedside lamp. As we lie there without a sound, I was surprised at the lack of awkwardness or tension. It just felt... familiar. Safe. The last thing I said before my eyes drifted shut was, "I promise I'll explain. Tomorrow."

Maybe he didn't hear me.


I jump what feels like five feet, not expecting anybody else to be awake so early. I turn to see Misha leaning against the opposite counter, still shirtless. I gape at his very toned chest for a moment before dragging my eyes up to meet his. An amused smile dances across his face, which combined with his messy just-woke-up hair, enhances his attractiveness all the more. We stare each other down for a minute - this silent interaction seems to become more acceptable every time we meet.

With only a simple, "Morning," I grab two coffee cups from the cabinet and fill them, handing one to Misha. I grab the hazelnut coffee creamer from the fridge and pour it into my cup. The creamer has always been a guilty pleasure of mine, and Cass always keeps a bottle in the fridge for me. I offer some to Misha, but he shakes his head and sips on his coffee thoughtfully. I wonder what it is he's thinking about so often, that he chooses his own mind over verbal interaction with others. Because my body has officially betrayed me, I unintentionally speak.

"What's on your mind?"

"What's on yours?" he casually throws back, still watching me from under those long lashes.

I stir my coffee for a moment before replying. "I was thinking about last night, actually. It wasn't fair of me to pull away like that and not even explain why."

Misha sets his cup down and his expression becomes more serious. "You don't owe me an explanation, Lexi. We agreed this was casual, and last night, we crossed that line. I get it." He leans back and warms his hands on his coffee mug. "I mean, you did tell me you would explain, but you should know I'm not holding you to that."

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