Chapter Eleven

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Cassidy and I have decided that we need an emergency grocery store trip. Since we were out of town on Sunday, and today is Wednesday, we are dangerously low on supplies - most importantly, cereal.

We browse through the aisles at the store, two boxes of Cocoa Puffs secured in the cart. Our shopping trips are not just for stocking up on groceries. Even if Cass and I don't hang out all week, we can always count on seeing each other at least once to catch up on gossip and spend time together. Besides, it doesn't hurt that the Muzak overhead plays catchy oldies songs.

Currently, we're scanning the nutrition labels on pasta sauces, pretending we truly care about the sodium content for alfredo sauces. We've decided to make dinner for the boys tonight, and pasta seemed like the easiest route to go.

"So, how you do feel, being in a relationship again?" Cass asks me.

"I don't know. It feels so much different, to be honest."

"That's because the guy is different. You aren't being manipulated this time."

I cringe at her subtle reference to Dakota. "I wouldn't say I was manipulated last time..."

"Girl. He played with your emotions. He had you at his beck and call, for what? So he could sleep with fucking Emily for the second half of your relationship? He had you fooled. Not that it was your fault, of course," she quickly added.

We move on to the bakery, and debate between pre-made garlic bread or making our own.

"I know that," I reply, "and yeah, Misha is pretty much his opposite. It's actually really, really nice to be someone's girlfriend, without all the stress like last time."

Cassidy smiles at me, and tosses the pre-made bread into the cart. It's a good choice; we're both too lazy to spend more time than necessary cooking.

As we make our way to the shelves lined with assorted wine bottles, Cassidy announces her need for the bathroom. She disappears down a hallway with doors leading to the restrooms and an employee break room. While I wait, I mull over a Riesling and a Merlot, trying to decide which would be better with dinner tonight.


I turn at the sound of the voice, my blood running cold. I would recognize that voice anywhere. I haven't heard it in over a year, but it has haunted my memories since the last time we spoke.


He approaches me with a casual gait, smiling as if he was running into a pastor on a Sunday.

"Long time, no see."

My mind is catapulting and my knees are suddenly in grave danger of giving out. "Uh... what are you doing here?" I finally mumble, feeling embarrassed by my lack of acumen in this moment.

He chuckles and grabs a bottle from the shelf, only inches away from my arm. I flinch.

"Chill, Lexi. I'm just here to pick out a red for tonight. I'm actually running behind, so I can't stay and chat for long."

"Oh." Oh? Really? Can I not form even a single coherent thought right now?

Dakota leans closer to me and winks. "Unless you want me to stay and chat, of course."

"Um, no. I mean, I don't want to make you late." I'm doing so great.

"How have you been, Lex?" he asks.

Great. Fantastic. So much better without you. In love with an amazing man. "Not bad. Busy."

He smirks. "You seem good. You've really filled out, I see."

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