Chapter 6: McDonald's

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I pulled myself off McCormick and was finally able to breathe at ease.
That fucking asshole ran on a red light and bumped into several civilians on the way, nearly causing the two of us to fall.
I swear to god, he's fucking insane.
Craig helped me pull my other leg off Kenny and then led me to a bench with him behind us. I sat down and put my left leg up, making it easier to treat the wound. The raven put down the stolen goods next to me as he crouched down to my height and began looking for something.
I glanced up at the sky and sighed deeply, glad that the chase was finally over.
Didn't think we'd actually get out of that one, but for a degenerate, Kenny runs pretty fast.
My thoughts were interrupted by a loud ripping noise emitted from my thigh. I averted my gaze back to my leg and saw that Kenny jerked his hand away, letting me see the giant hole he made in my already ripped tights.
Never mind what I said before.
The guy is an absolute moron.
I shook my head in annoyance and glared at him.
"Why would you do that?" I questioned, clearly annoyed.
"What do you mean?" the blond was in pure ignorance.
I rolled my eyes, looking down at Craig, who was holding scissors in his hands.
"We could've just cut the fabric." he suggested, his face unimpressed.
Kenny shrugged.
"It's the same thing, but my method was faster."
And more destructive.
"Whatever-" I was interrupted by my own gasp due to the intense burning sensation on my thigh.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-
"Son of a-" I interrupted myself with a bite on the lip as I looked down at the gash.
That looks fucking disgusting.
As the raven continuously sprayed a hydrogen peroxide solution on my leg, the wound began to close up, sizzling in the process.
Fuck my life, I hate this.
Craig handed a pack of bandages to Kenny, which the blond easily ripped open, beginning to wrap them around my leg. A small groan escaped my lips as the bandages touched the fractured part of my thigh.
That was so unintentionally sexual.
I make all situations awkward and gross.
His hands moved from the outside, to the inside of my thigh which was pretty awkward, but I tried not to think about it and, obvioisly, failed miserably.

As Kenny applied the finishing layer of bandages, he ripped the strip, tying it into a knot.
Took you long enough, who the fuck takes this long to wrap a leg in bandages?
I sighed and shuffled back to a natural sitting position and was actually able to stand up.
Yay, I'm free!
I stumbled slightly, but kept my balance.
Never mind.
Craig shoved all the remaining loot into his bag and threw it over his shoulder. Then I remembered, where the fuck is my bag?
I ran everything that happened today through my mind.
I went to class first, okay that makes sense.
Then I texted Craig and he told me to get keys from Mr Kanes' office-
I gripped my forehead with my right hand, feeling cold sweat run down my temple.
I must've left it under the desk, while hiding.
Way to go Y/N! Being dumb as always.
"Everything okay?" I heard a voice say.
I looked up at the source of the noise, it was Kenny.
Do I lie?
"Uh-yeah, it's just that my leg still hurts." I explained, looking at the other with a slightly dazed look.
"I can carry you back home, if you want." Kenny said suggestively, smirking.
"Uhm-thanks, but no thanks. Besides we're going to McDonald's. Right Craig?" I asked and averted my gaze back to the black haired boy.
He nodded while readjusting the straps of his backpack.
"I could definitely go for some McDonald's." the blond spoke as he stretched his arms above his head. "Honestly any kind of food would be nice." he continued.
"Yeah..." I agree silently, my mind still set on my lost bag.

Finally arriving to McDonald's, let me calm down a little. I also realized that yes in fact I am kind of hungry.
The three of us enter the fast food joint, infused with copious amounts of people, all involved in their food, as for the employees, their jobs. Who am I kidding? They probably hate it here.
Taking a couple steps forward, I noticed that the floor was either strangely sticky in some places or slippery and greasy in other. Deciding I would honestly rather stick to the ground of a McDonald's instead of falling for the 59th time, I try to take my path on the sticky road.
I don't want to be mc-falling. (yes this is my attempt at being funny fuck you)
I limped my way to the cash register with Kenny and Craig by my side, a family of four stared my way. They didn't look away, even after I noticed them staring. My eyes narrowed and I threw a glare at one of the parents. The glare having practically no effect, they began whispering among themselves while still throwing occasional glances at me which definitely pissed me off.
I roll my eyes and commit myself to studying the menu above me.
When did the items get so expensive?
I only have like 10 dollars-
Oh right.
My money's in my bag.
"So what're you guys getting?" the blond questioned as he slowly unzipped that oversized parka of his.
"Don't know." Craig crossed his arms and examined the menu further.
"Y/N, What are you getting?" hearing my name, I immediately turned to the orator.
Surprisingly, all the time I have been in South Park, I've never seen Kenny without his parka.
I mean I've seen his face and all, but never like this.
Fuck, I don't even know how to explain it.
Well, to say the least, I was surprised.
If I thought Kenny was hot before, then I don't even know what I'd call him now.
This is bad.
"You there?" as I returned from my quick trance, I noticed that Kenny's face was unusually close to mine.
This made me heat up and I turned a slight pink.
"Uh-yeah." I answered.
"What were you thinking about?" he grinned, his face still close to mine.
"Thinking? Oh-it was nothing...heh..." I stutter while desperately trying to avoid his gaze.
"Next please."

Poor and Perverted (Older! Kenny McCormick x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now