Chapter four

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     It has already been a few weeks since I have been at this school. I hung out with Jimin, Jin and Jungkook.

     But how do I say this... I'm really clumsy and stupid. Why? Because I keep falling asleep in class while drooling, and I keep daydreaming. The teacher has to call my name a couple of times before I would stand up and start looking around.

     I asked Namjoon to tutor me, but he says, "no can do."

     Jimin kept making fun of me, Jungkook continued to ignore me and Jin was busy all the time because he was the school president.

     I look to my test paper and I sigh to myself. Even an idiot can get 1%... but I got 0%! How is this even possible?! I continue to look at my test paper dumbfounded until I heard a knock on my door.

     "Come in." I say while hiding my test paper.

     "Surprise! How are you doing?" Sung-Yun smiles and I run up to her while hugging her tightly.

"I'm going to die from all the homework!" I groan and she starts laughing.

"You know your brother is really smart right? He got 100% on everything and he has 148IQ. You can ask him to tutor you."

"You don't think I tried asking him? All he said was, no can do."

"Aiya, your brother is really immature."

"You mean your boyfriend." I grin and she hits my arm playfully,


I head to the convenient store while Namjoon and Sung-Yun were at home. Namjoon gave me money so I could buy anything I wanted.

I went inside the store and start looking for some junk food. "Oh it's you."

I hear a voice and immediately look back to see Jungkook standing behind me. I jump from his sudden presence. "Yah! What is wrong with you?" I stare at him and he shrugs.

"Why are you wearing so less clothes? You know it'll rain in a bit right?" He says while grabbing some potato chips.

"Wait what?!" I look outside to see the weather start getting cloudy. There were tiny drips of rain. "You just jinxed it!" I groan.

"It said on the forecast."

"What do I do? I don't have have an umbrella and my house is 15 minutes away." I say to myself softly, but Jungkook heard it.

I pay for my food and head out the store while standing under the cover. It was already pouring rain and I was a bit cold.

I sneeze and start to feel cramps in my stomach. How am I going to get home? I start tearing up because I am a very emotional person until Jungkook hands an umbrella to me.

"Use my umbrella."

"A-are you sure?" I look up at him and he nods.

I slowly grab the umbrella which touches his fingers and I flinch a bit, but take it.

"Get home safe."

Jungkook starts leaving with his hoodie on. I open his umbrella and I start to walk home too.


"I was so worried about you! Why didn't you bring your phone?" Namjoon grabs hold of my shoulders while shaking it.

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