Chapter fifthteen

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A/N: Jimin's point of view :)

"I'll get you some medicine okay?" I say softly as she nods her head.

I head downstairs to the kitchen to find some medicine. I bring up a cup of water and some Tylenol with me. "Here, take this."

She looks up at my eyes, not moving at all. I sigh as I crouch down next to her. "Here, ahh~" I say. She opens her mouth and swallows the medicine along with the water.

"I'll make some congee, in the meantime, get some rest okay?"

She nods as she starts drifting back to sleep. I head downstairs into the kitchen and call my mom. "Mom! I need help! You didn't tell me Yi-Jin was coming over to stay! More like I didn't even know you knew Yi-Jin!" I yell into the phone, but not too loud to wake up Yi-Jin.

"Surprise Baby~ if I told you, that wouldn't be fun at all. Anyways, what did you need help with?"

"How do you make congee?"

I hear a burst of laughter coming through the phone. "Jagiya~ our baby doesn't know how to make congee."

I hear my father also laughing and I hang up the phone. "Those two are no help at all! I guess I'll need the internet then."

I open my phone and click on safari. I search up, 'how to make congee' and start scrolling through a bunch of articles.

Wow... looks pretty easy to make.


"This isn't easy to make at all!" I yell as I find a towel to wipe the water coming from the pot. There was steam everywhere. I added way too much water.


I look back to see Yi-Jin standing there with blankets wrapped around her. "What are you doing here? You should be resting!" I say as I run next to her and drag her back.

"B-But the food..."

I look at the pot to see more water coming out of it and I start groaning. "Jimin... don't tell me you don't know how to cook?"

"Ugh. What if I don't?!" I roll my eyes and slightly pout.

She starts giggling to herself and I slightly look at her. She looks so cute... Wait... what am I thinking? I shake my head as I try to fight against my thoughts.


     I immediately blush as I feel her breath touch my ears. "Y-Yi-Jin what are you doing?" I say while avoiding contact and biting my bottom lip.

     "Hehehe~ Jimin is blushing~"


     A/N: Yi-Jin's point of view

     "There is no way that is me." I look to the screen with fear as I look at me flirting with Jimin.

     "It was like you were drunk... but not drunk at all..." Jimin gulps as he was holding the phone.

     "Jimin... delete it..." I sigh.

     A smirk starts to creep up on Jimin's face and he lifts his phone in the air. He stuck his tongue out, "no way~ it's my collection."

     "Jimin! Give me it!" I yell as I desperately try to grab the phone.

     "Nooo~ aren't you still sick? You already have so much energy in you." Jimin chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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