Chapter eight

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A/N: Here is something more happy' this will be Yi-Jin's point of view. Hehehe, enjoy the story!


"Stop following me!" I groan as Jimin was following me to class.

"Aigo~ are you embarrassed?" He pouts and I roll my eyes.

"Yes I am. Go away Jimin, you're so clingy." I sigh and he starts laughing to himself. I ignore him as I sit down next to Erin. Jimin sits next to me.

"Did something happen?" I ask Erin and she nods her head sideways while spacing out. Her eyes looked dead like something dramatic happened.

Jungkook didn't attend class which was quite unusual. Something could have happened between them, but I'd rather not assume.

     Jimin kept trying to get my attention which I got in trouble. "Yi-Jin, I asked you to stop talking. Park Jimin, please stop disturbing her." The teacher speaks and we both apologize.

     I kick Jimin's leg and he groans in pain softly. I ignore him as I continue taking notes. He stares at me and I looked towards him.

     "What is it?" I whisper.

     "Hehehe, nothing."


     Class was finally over. As usual, Jimin would be following me while Erin had to go to her next class. I passed by Ha-Eun to see her spacing out which was also unusual. Jin was quiet and didn't say a single word to me.

     "Do you know if something happened?" I asked Jimin, but he shrugged.

     He continues to look at me and I stop walking. I glare at him and finally give up. "What is it Jimin?"

     "Do you have a map?" He asks.

     "Why- that's so random Jimin. Why do you need a map?"

     "Because... I keep getting lost in your eyes." He smiles and I immediately blush.

     I slap his arm and start walking a bit faster. He catches up with me while he was giggling to himself. This idiot...


     We finally finish school. I decided to head to the bubble tea shop with Jimin, Erin, Jungkook, Jin and Taehyung.

     Everyone was quiet while we were there. Erin and Jungkook avoided eye contact, Taehyung was drinking his bubble tea and Jin was spacing out. Jimin kept annoying me and I finally snap.

     "What happened?! Why are you all so silent?" I yell and they all looked to me in shock.

     "We are friends and we've already known each other for so long. What happened exactly?"

     Jin looks down while Jungkook avoids my eye contact. Erin just shrugs at me. Jimin was still sitting there shocked while Taehyung looked around in confusion.

     "Did something happen?" Taehyung asks. I nod my head slowly.

     "Aigo~ is my Erin sad again?" He nudges Erin, but Erin doesn't say anything and just sighs. I roll my eyes and look towards Jin.

     "Jin, what happened? You're rarely like this."

     "I'm sorry, I'm just not being myself. Don't worry about me." He fakes a smile.

     "Well I worry a lot!" I yell and they all look at me shocked again with my sudden yell. The customers look towards me and I apologize.

     "Something happened between me and Ha-Eun, that's all." Jin sighs. Jungkook immediately looked to Jin as he heard Ha-Eun.

     "What did you do to her?" Jungkook frowns.

     "Jungkook, she doesn't like you." Jin says bluntly and Jungkook looks at him taken aback.

     "Excuse me? What is actually wrong with you? Is it because you're my hyung? Or is it because you are smarter than me? You're so rude." Jungkook glares at Jin.

     Erin starts sobbing and we all turn our attention towards her. "Please... just stop." She says weakly.

     Taehyung hugs Erin softly and Jimin observes them. I pinch his cheeks and whisper to him, "don't even think about hugging me."

     He smiles evilly and I could tell he was up to something.

     "I'm leaving." Erin says while she stands up and heads towards the exit.

     "Huh? Erin!" I yell at her, but she has already left the store.

     "I'll go after her. Bye guys." Taehyung says, grabbing his bag and running after her.

     I was left with Jungkook, Jin and Jimin. Jimin was touching my hand and I slapped his hand away from mines and he starts pouting.

     "Jungkook... I like Ha-Eun... I'm sorry..." Jin finally speaks. Jungkook looks at Jin shocked. His eyes widen and he slams the table.

     "You're crazy."

     Jungkook grabs his bag and leaves. Great, now I'm stuck with Jin and Jimin. "Would you like to explain...?" I ask Jin.

     "Ha-Eun is a very nice girl... she's just chosen the wrong path... I've known her for a long time, I know what she's like. I wish I could help her, but I can't do anything."

     "Well you need to talk to her. You need to have more control more than her. If she's going through the wrong path, you need to stop her before she starts regretting it."

     "But... I don't know what to do. She's already lost her virgin to her uncle, has abusive parents and cuts herself."

     Me and Jimin look at each other and sigh. Jimin has nothing to say, so he stayed quiet. "Jin, you really need to help her. I'm worried about her too, but you don't want to regret it if she dies right? If not, you must do something."

     Jin nods his head. Jimin agrees with me. "I understand. I need time first."

     "Okay, but don't waste too much. Otherwise, if it's too late, you'll regret not doing anything earlier."

     Jin smiles and takes a deep breath. "Thank you so much. I'll be leaving now, that helped me so much."

     I smile at him while Jimin gives him a hug. "Bye bye~" Jimin smiles.

     As Jin leaves, Jimin looks at me and smiles widely. "I'm finally alone with you. I wanted to go with you alone, but you brought them here." He pouts and I scoff.

     "Jimin, you can't be like this. They are our friends, we need to help them. Okay?" I say softly and he nods his head apologetically.

     "I want a sip of your drink." He looks at my drink then to me.

     "Aish, fine." I sigh as I hand him my drink. He smiles and starts to drink my drink.

     "You're drinking too much!" I say as I try to grab my drink back, but he finishes it all and starts laughing.

     "You can drink mine."

     "No thanks." I say and get up. I leave the store as Jimin chases after me.

     "I'm sorry! Forgive me~ I'll let you drink mine." He says while putting the drink right in front of my face.

     "Okay okay." I say and take his drink.

     "I need to head this way, bye bye Yi-Jin~"

     "Bye Jimin." I smile.

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