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it was awkward, ethan half asleep as josh dragged him through the busy halls of the school they both attended. people stopped to watch and were utterly confused as josh dragged ethan into the nurses office. it wasn't uncommon that both josh and tobi spent their lunch times in this part of the school building. if it wasn't for football injuries it was so that josh could take a nap after working hard the night before on either his videos or revising.

ethan collapsed right away, laying still on the medical bed provided within the room. it gave josh a chance to grab two chairs, text tobi about their whereabouts and then also relax himself. it wasn't long that tobi turned up with some food for all three of them, sitting down and allowing his best friend of many years to begin revising.

they both sat and ate in silence, josh revising as he ate and tobi catching up with youtube videos while also brainstorming ideas for josh. they worked collectively, sometimes whispering to each other. it was mostly josh whispering and asking for help about something he read in the revision book as tobi had already studied the bloody thing four times within the last three months.

with thirty five minutes of lunch left to go, they both woke up ethan who complained for a hot second before letting out a yawn and sitting up to adjust his eyes. he ate within the next ten minutes and with twenty minutes to spare they began packing up and getting ready for their next lessons

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