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Despite not going to bed until late the night before, Harry still found himself waking up at the first stream of light on the morning of the 1st of January. He rolled over in his bed to look at Niall, still in a deep sleep, spread eagle on his own bed, the covers discarded on the floor. Harry pushed himself up out of bed and made his way out onto the landing, heading towards the toilet.

The polished wood was cold beneath his feet, but he ignored it, getting used to the sensation after a while. Once he'd done his business and washed up, he went back onto the landing to look at the time on the grandfather clock at the end of the hall. As it only read 8:30am, he thought of going back to bed, before he noticed the open door to the lounge and the light on in the room. Walking closer, he noticed that the glass doors leading out on to the balcony were open, and Louis was sat curled up in a chair, a mug in his hand, facing out across the garden.

Harry smiled softly, heading back into his bedroom and pulling on a pair of pyjama bottoms over his boxers, then retrieving something from his bag and making his way back out to the lounge. It seemed Louis hadn't noticed Harry walking through the lounge, too caught up in his own thoughts and daydreams to pay attention to anything else.

"Morning." Harry spoke, clearing his throat a little as it was still rough from sleep.

Louis jumped a little, startled, before looking up at Harry and smiling. He had on a hoodie and pair of grey shorts, his bare calves curled up underneath him on the chair.

"Morning." He responded, smiling up at Harry as the other boy pulled up another chair and sat down next to Louis, close enough that he could lean his arms on the arm rest of Louis' chair.

"You're up early." 

Harry couldn't take his eyes off Louis even if he wanted to, the sun was beginning to rise and was casting a pale yellow glow over the side of the house that Louis seemed to be bathing in.

"I couldn't sleep, I never really do at Zayn's." Louis shrugged, clutching his mug as he took a sip from it.

"Niall doesn't seem to be having that problem."

"Liam never does either, he's always the last to wake up."

The silence that followed was far from uncomfortable, in fact, Harry found it quite peaceful. He smiled at Louis before turning at looking out across the garden, watching the sun come up above the clouds. Louis watched Harry, feeling content. Neither of them had mentioned the night before, and at that moment in time, Louis felt like they didn't need to.

"Oh, I have something for you." Harry spoke up after a while, holding out the wrapped up bundle he'd retrieved from his bag.

Louis raised an eyebrow, placing his mug down on the floor before reaching out for what Harry was handing him.

"What is it?" He asked, turning it round in his hands and observing it.

"Open it, it's your birthday present. I bought it before term ended, I was originally planning on sending it by owl but then I didn't really know if you'd want to receive it, and, well....yeah." Harry trailed off at the end, not knowing what else to say.

"You got me a birthday present?" He said, looking up at Harry.

"Of course, you're one of my best mates."

Louis smiled, secretly pleased, before peeling off the wrapping paper and opening the present.

"It's not much but.." Harry shrugged, smiling sheepishly.

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