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The morning after Harry had confessed his love for Louis and the two had gotten back together, Harry woke up with a smile on his face that had been there for nearly 24 hours. What he'd done had been embarrassing and slightly on the edge of mortifying for him, and Louis especially, and he knew that technically he had put the other boy on the spot, but he couldn't think of any other way to prove to Louis how serious he was about this. Besides, it had worked in his favour because Louis had agreed to get back with him, then immediately reprimanded him for his choice of action. 

They hadn't had any classes together on their first full day back as Louis was only taking three subjects, Astronomy, Herbology and Charms,  while Harry was over achieving with 5 - Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms and Defence - desperate to head down the path of being a healer. Louis didn't mind though, as newly appointed captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, he knew throughout the year most of his time would be taken up with training, so he was trying to get a basic plan sorted before the season began. 

Harry must've woken up late because when he opened his eyes the dorm room was empty. Luckily, he had a free period first thing that morning that he knew he shared with Louis, Liam and Niall. He was pretty sure Zayn was in a wizard art class at that time, a subject he was taking as an elective alongside his more mandatory classes. It wasn't that late however, so he didn't need to rush and still made it to the Great Hall before breakfast had finished. Quickly, he scanned the room, looking for his friends and fell upon them all sat chatting happily at the Slytherin table, Isabelle had even left her friends and gone to sit with Niall, tucked comfortably under his arm. 

As soon as he spotted Louis he began to smile, unable to stop the warmth of happiness seeping through his body. Despite the fact that Harry had been with him only twelve hours ago, he'd missed the other boy and after being apart for nearly three months, he was cherishing every moment they had together. Once he'd made his way over to the table, Harry slid into the space on the bench next to Louis, slipping an arm around the shorter boy's waist and pressing a soft kiss to his temple. 

"Morning." He said, smiling at Louis who had turned his head to look at him, his smile matching Harry's. 

Looking up at Harry made Louis' heart stutter, the boy really was beautiful, he thought, and Louis still couldn't get over the fact that he was all his. Everyone knew now that Harry belonged to Louis and Louis to Harry and at this point in time, there was nothing that would make him happier. 

"Morning sleeping beauty, how are you?" Louis asked in return, shuffling closer to Harry's side. 

"Better now I've seen you." Harry replied, pecking Louis' lips quickly before he could respond. 

A pink dusting had settled across Louis' cheeks and the bridge of his nose, but he was mostly unbothered, just glad to have Harry back by his side again. 

"You two are going to be that couple that stay sickeningly cute forever aren't you?" Niall asked with an exasperated sigh, breaking them both out of the trance that had come over them as soon as they'd locked eyes. 

Harry himself had pretty much forgotten that they were sat with other people and simply just shrugged, grinning at his best friend. 

"Oh leave them alone Niall," Isabelle said gently, swatting at his arm, "I think it's lovely, I'm just glad you're both happy." 

Louis smiled at the girl, thanking her before looking at Niall and sticking his tongue out. 

"Be more like Iz Niall, be happy for us." Harry joked, taking his arm back from around Louis' waist and reaching across the table for a slice of toast, buttering it absentmindedly. 

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