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"Oh my goodness." I laugh as I walk into the student lounge at Riverdale High and see something I NEVER thought I'd get to see. There standing on front of me is Sweet Pea in a school uniform. A turtle neck hiding his sexy serpent tattoo, making me laugh as I walk closer to him. "Best. Day. EVER!" I chuckle looking at him. His face only carries an emotionless expression, worrying me slightly. 

Sweet Pea doesn't say anything just turns around and walks in the other direction, avoiding me.

"Sweetie baby what's wrong?" I ask softly sitting down next to him on the couch and rubbing his shoulder. He looks at me seemingly really upset, something is wrong but I don't know what.

"Nothing Y/N, don't worry about it." He grumbled and started to get up off the couch, but was stopped by my hand grabbing his wrist pulling him back down to me. He knew the look on my face meant I was determined to figure him out so he just sighed and gave in. "Y/N, people have been laughing at me since I got here this morning, then you? My girlfriend of all people."

He's hurt, his eyes show me that, they show how much this is getting to him. "Sweet Pea, baby I-" the bell rings cutting me off, and Sweet Pea stands up and walks out of the room, making his way to gym class, not listening to what I have to say. I sigh, standing up and deciding to just give up and make my way to my next class.

*later that day*

I spot Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea sitting at a table in the corner of the room, talking and eating their lunch. I slowly make my way over and opt to sit next to Fangs, given the possibility that Sweet Pea is still mad at me for earlier. "Fangs can I talk to you?" I nudge him and before he can answer I grab his wrist and pull him far enough away that the others wouldn't be able to hear us. "Has Pea mentioned anything about him being mad at me or anything?" I whisper sneaking a glance at him only to see that he's already looking our way.

"No, but he has been off all day, he won't tell me or Toni what's bothering him, but he seems to get even more upset when people look at him, more specifically his outfit, but he won't say if that's what's bothering him or not" I nod my head at Fangs, his words confirming my suspicions.

"Shit, he's still upset about that? He won't want to talk to me right now but can you please tell him to meet me at my trailer after school? Tell him its urgent and I really need him, make it sound really important please, I have a plan." I watch Fangs nod at my words and I walk to an empty table, deciding that would be best.

Fangs walks back to the table slowly and sits down, looking at Sweet Pea and uttering some words with an urgent expression on his face. This causes Sweet Pea's eyes to dart around the room nervously, landing back on Fangs when he doesn't spot me.

I decided to skip the rest of my classes for the day, mainly because I needed to pick up a few things from the store and then set up my plan for Sweet Pea. Once I got to the store I texted fangs to confirm a few details of my plan.

Y/N: yo Fogarty I need your helppp

Fogarty: yeah sure anything for you:)

Y/N: just nonchalantly ask sweets a few questions for me? I need to know some of his favorite things for a surprise I'm planning for him tonight.

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