make a choice

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"Fangs, I don't know what to do." I sigh looking at my best friend, a positive pregnancy test in between us. "Sweet Pea is gonna kill me" I feel hot tears start to run down my face. What the hell am I going to do. Pea and I are too young for a baby, sure I'll love him or her so much, but I don't know about Pea.

"Hey, I'll be with you when you tell Sweet Pea, and if he tries to start anything I'll talk, okay? You aren't alone. You're my best friend, and this baby is going to have a father whether its me or Sweet Pea." He Fangs smiles over at me, hugging me to stop my shaking body.

"Thank you so much Fangsie. I love you" I'm so greatful to have a best friend like Fangs who is willing to take on a child if it means helping his best friend. Fangs and I met when we were very young, instantly becoming inseparable. That's how I met Sweet Pea, Fangs took me to the Wrym one day and Pea and I just clicked, we were friends for a while before we started dating.

"So, um, want me to call him over and we can tell him?" He rubs my back, giving me a soft look. I only nod, not trusting my voice and Fangs picks up his phone dialing Sweet Pea's number. "Sweet Pea come over to my trailer.. Y/N is with me.. She needs you man.. Okay.. See you" All I can hear is Fangs side of the conversation, but I gather that Sweet Pea should be over any minute.

"I'm here!" Sweet pea pants running trough the door. Dang he didn't have to run. He looks between me and Fangs, seeing the positive pregnancy test and rubbing a hand over his face sighing. "Is it mine?" he actually has the audacity to ask.

All I can do is nod my head, not daring to meet his eyes. "Fuck." He mumbles sitting down on my couch putting his head in his hands. "I'm too young, I can't have a baby"

"Oh and you think Y/N can? She can't raise a baby by herself, you know that. So either you man the fuck up and father this baby, or I will, because my best friend is NOT going through this alone. Its your choice, you could have a beautiful little bundle of joy crawling around and calling you daddy, looking up to you and looking just like you, or, this baby will be my little bundle of joy, calling me daddy, and you'll just have to sit and watch, a constant reminder of the relationship you ruined, the girl you abandoned, the baby you gave up. So tell me Sweet Pea, what do you really want?" Fangs finishes, standing inches away from Sweet Pea, with a rock hard expression painted onto his features. I love when Fangs gets protective, it makes me feel safe, like he won't let anything happen to me, or my baby

Sweet Pea's expression goes from angry to soft, looking over the small boys shoulder in front of him, in my direction. He then looks back at fangs and whispers "please don't take my baby"

Fangs shakes his head "you're the one who said you're 'too young' even though we are all the same age and Y/N and I are perfectly willing, you don't need to be in the picture if you're gonna be like that. So make your decision, are you the father, or am I"

Sweet Pea doesn't answer, just pushes Fangs aside and walks over to me, looking me in the eyes. He gestures to my stomach with his hands and whispers "Can I?" with a facial expression that makes him look like a kid in a candy store. I nod, and he places both his hands on my stomach, and tears start to well up in his eyes. "I'm so sorry" tear slips down his face followed by other, and another, and then soon enough we are both full on crying. He places each of his hands on the sides if my face, bringing our faces close together. "I'm so so sorry I want to raise this baby with you, I don't care if we are young. Please, please let me be the father."

"Of course Pea, I couldn't do it with out you." I whisper as we start to lean in.

"Awwwwwwww." We both look up to see Fangs with his hands over his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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