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Flight Test

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Thea stared at the clock on the wall.

Around her, the board of Apollo Enterprises discussed their annual profits and plans to increase revenue. Thea wasn't one to toot her own horn, but her company was doing pretty well these last few years. When she had ceased weapons manufacturing, it did enter a dormant period, but Thea turned it right around with new, more efficient products and services to provide the world with. Technology was becoming more advanced and Thea was there to craft life-changing inventions out of it. The initial one-hour meeting had turned into a three-hour drone fest, and subjects unrelated to her company were thrown around, ordering new debates and commentary to surface.

Thea looked down at her phone she had concealed underneath the table, and texted Lara. Her assistant sat on the other side of the room, taking notes, or more accurately, doodling cartoons out of boredom.

Assistant, fake an emergency to get me out of here.

Lara glanced at the screen of her phone, and scrunched her nose up.

You fake an emergency. Last time I tried to, everyone ignored me.

Thea scoffed to herself, and replied.

That's because you're a poor actor, my friend.

Lara sent Thea a glare. She pocketed her phone and inhaled sharply, coming up with an idea to carry out. Thea rested her chin on her closed fist, patiently waiting for Lara's outburst. The show was about to begin, but was postponed when a topic caught her attention. Thea shook her head at Lara, and the assistant shrugged and sat back down, facing her notepad.

Thea scooted closer to the table, and faced the fifty year-old man from Beijing. "Zhi, could you repeat that last part for me?" She asked, offering him a small smile.

Zhi glanced at the Apollo, and cleared his throat. He smoothed his tie down before replying. "My buddy at Stark Industries said he had overheard the board discuss filing an injunction against Anthony. They want to lock Stark out of his own company." He informed Thea.

"An injunction?" Scoffed Quinn, the middle aged woman from Washington. She applied too much eyeshadow for Thea's taste. "They should be sending Stark to a mental hospital after the stunt he pulled at his press conference. He's been in captivity for months, people, he's not right in the head!"

Thea's eyes narrowed at Quinn. She was among most around the table that were appalled by her words. Lara looked like someone had kicked a puppy. Others, silently backed Quinn up. Thea felt a sudden sense of protectiveness she never knew she possessed for Tony at that moment. "Quinn, that was uncalled for. Show some sympathy." She voiced, tone stern and unforgiving.

Quinn raised her eyebrows in response. She didn't say anything else and turned her focus on the table in front of her, twisting her lips in an irked manner. Thea let out a heavy sigh, and stood, "Meeting over. Then again, it was over hours ago. Get back to work." She demanded, somewhat a little too harshly.

Lara eyed her boss quietly, studying the way she looked down and closed her eyes. After a few silent moments, she moved and approached Thea. She didn't say anything, and placed a hand on her shoulder. Thea opened her eyes and sighed, glancing up at Lara. "Was that mean?" She asked.

"It was authoritative." Lara corrected, offering her a tiny smile. "There's a difference."

"Could you call Luck up? I've got a few files in need to take back home." Thea told her, collecting her bag and coat that had been draped on the back of the chair. Lara nodded and brought out her phone to dial Luck's number as Thea lead her assistant to her office.

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