Owen x female! Raptor! Reader

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Requested by RePrayRay
Hope you enjoy!

Owen POV

  Many people thought that I had four raptors. They didn't know of my fifth. (Y/n). She was the beta but everyone called Blue beta. I walked up to the pen. Hoskins growled. A few hours later, give or take, I was on my bike. Blue, Charlie, Echo and Delta burst from the cage and I followed them. I could hear Blue talking to (y/n). I smiled. Soon, the raptors stopped we all got ready. Weird thing was, the I rex was talking to the raptors.

Your POV

   You walked forward and joined the pack. The I rex was trying to convince them to make her beta.
"Excuse you." You hissed. "I'm beta. "
She looked at you. "The alpha likes youmid be a better beta! "
The raptors turned to face Owen, looking for his consent. You hissed and walked over to Owen. He put his gun down and petted you. That was when the men fired at the I rex.


Echo,  Charlie and Delta were dead and Blue was fighting her. You hissed and charged, shocking her with your sudden appearance. She threw you into the brush. Together, Rexy and Blue drove her to the mosasaur. When the monster was gone, Blue turned to Rexy.
"thanks, but I have to go. "
She nodded and turned to Owen. He shook his head. Blue came running towards you, giving a call to know you was alright. You gave a call back and limped up to Owen to say good bye. He hugged me.
"I'm going to miss you chewing on my shoes. "
You laughed before hugging him back. You then went to find Blue.


"Blue is a good girl but I'm not going back for her. I'm going back for (y/n).

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